The fight against fakes is a priority for us. Our spokesperson @JulioLaporta_ explains to @EqInvestigacion (@laSextaTV) the links between organised crime and fakes and the damage caused in the EU.
How to recognise fake toys:
Step 1: Be careful where you buy the toys.
Step 2: Look at the tag.
Step 3: Inform yourself about the toy.
More details and the prevention guide created by Europol here
Available in English, French, Italian and Spanish
'Dinosaur poo' can be an exciting present for the kids, now that Christmas is around the corner.
But whatever you buy, please be aware that fake toys can harm you and those you love the most.
Toys are among the most common counterfeit products encountered in Europe.
Find here a 3 step guide on how to identify them (by Europol)
#faketoys #dangeroustoys #Christmasshopping #fake #toys
Sabéis que me fascinan los packs de superhéroes falsos de feria, y mas aun con el inminente juego de Avengers, pero este es el pack ganador absoluto de los últimos años #videogames #fakeToys