I'm currently reading Helen Macdonald's H IS FOR HAWK. Captivating. It inspired me to make this goshawk print: https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-print-86369506 #HIsForHawk #goshawk #falconry #amreading #printmaking #printreveal #reliefprint #linocut
#hisforhawk #goshawk #falconry #amreading #printmaking #printreveal #reliefprint #linocut
Hoch die Ohren, Wochenende!
#photography #fotografie #Falknerei #falconry #owl #uhu
A lil video to lighten up your day!
Please help us by donating to our crowdfunding: https://gofund.me/eaafe995
steal two stones with one bird #vegan #falconry #diamondHeist
#vegan #falconry #diamondheist
Good morning from Lehmann after her bath this am! Lets start the week like her, getting cleaned, and helping others!
#blackandchestnuteagle #spizaetusisidori #falconry #Colombia
Help us here ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
#blackandchestnuteagle #spizaetusisidori #falconry #colombia
For Earth Day, the Seward Park Audubon decided to celebrate 15 years of existence with lots of fun nature stuff, including this educational program on raptors with a master falconer. The family got real up close with a saker falcon, an augur buzzard, a yellow-headed vulture, and a spectacled owl.
#pnw #Seattle #falconry #Birds #birding #EarthDay
Close up of Morgan's eye! We don't know what happened to her but she is def blind in that eye. She has trouble calculating distances at dusk so she is a non releasable bird currently being trained to be more comfy around people.
Please help us keep this and our other resident birds and patients safe by donating to renovate our center.
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation
Our cute boy inviting you to help us with our crowdfunding campaign by snorting!
#falconry #womeninstem #womeninscience #cetreria #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
#falconry #womenInSTEM #womeninscience #cetreria #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
We are $50 shy of $4,000 can you help us get there today?! Here is a slo mo of Luna, our Aploado Falcon flying to the lure! #falconry #AplomadoFalcon #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
#falconry #aplomadofalcon #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
Daily reminder of our criwdfunding with our Ornate Hawk-eagle foster mom drinking water before taking a bath!
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #colombia #help #crowdfunding #ornatehawkeagle #spizaetusornatus #spizaetus
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #colombia #help #crowdfunding #ornatehawkeagle #spizaetusornatus #spizaetus
More than 90 people have donated, we are currently at $3,690 lets try to make it to $4,000 by the end of this weekend! We really need your help!
#falconry #harpyeagle #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
#falconry #harpyeagle #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
More than 80 people have helped us by donating, so from the bottom of our heart thanks for the amazing support we are getting!!! We need to keep on going though so please donate and share!
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #batfalcon
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #batfalcon
Daily reminder that this cutie and the rest of our center need your help! Every cent counts so no donation is small, please help us! #falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
Welcome to the recent wave of #NewPeople migrating to #Mastodon. Our #Community goes round-n-round via #hashtags, here’re some I’ll be boosting & tooting about - always looking to connect with my tribe. #WelcomeNewbies, you’ll love it here!
#engineering #Astrology #Astronomy #Space #geology #ecology #earthscience #consciousness #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #Birds #falconry #raptors #Animals #WildlifeConservation #WildLife #Nature #welcomenewbies #hashtags #Community #Mastodon #newpeople
Welcome to the recent wave of #NewPeople migrating to #Mastodon. Our #Community goes round-n-round via #hashtags, here’re some I’ll be boosting & tooting about - always looking to connect with my tribe. #WelcomeNewbies, you’ll love it here!
#engineering #Astrology #Astronomy #Space #geology #ecology #earthscience #consciousness #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #Birds #falconry #raptors #Animals #WildlifeConservation #WildLife #Nature #welcomenewbies #hashtags #Community #Mastodon #newpeople
The Peregrine Falcon is a powerful and fast bird of prey found in various habitats across the world. They are known for their incredible speed, reaching up to 240 mph (386 km/h) in a dive, making them the fastest animals on Earth.
🦅 Debre Libanos | Ethiopia
#PeregrineFalcon #bownaankamal #BirdOfPrey #Raptor #Falconry #Nature #Wildlife #Conservation #Birding #BirdWatching #BirdLife #BirdLovers #EthiopianWildlife #BirdsOfEthiopia
#peregrinefalcon #bownaankamal #birdofprey #Raptor #falconry #nature #wildlife #Conservation #birding #birdwatching #birdlife #birdlovers #ethiopianwildlife #birdsofethiopia
At the #falconry show at #sherwoodForestFaire
#falconry #sherwoodforestfaire
Key points:
- Imping helps rehabilitate birds of prey with damaged flight feathers
- It involves joining a donor feather to the shaft of a broken feather with wooden dowels and glue
- An injured barn owl has recently benefited from Melanie Barsony's skills. #birds #raptors #feathers #imping #animals #nature #falconry
The 'fine art' of feather repair saving birds of prey from starvation - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-16/bird-of-prey-saved-by-imping-broken-feathers/102093216
#birds #raptors #feathers #imping #animals #nature #falconry
two things can be true. or even several —
#Falconry #Finance #CrescentCity #NYU
#falconry #finance #crescentcity #NYU