Falcon Shores XPU is dead, long live Falcon Shores GPU, also in 2025: https://www.hpcwire.com/2023/05/22/intel-admits-gpu-mistakes-reveals-new-supercomputing-chip-roadmap/
#IamIntel #Intel #GPU #HPC #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Semiconductors #Datacenter #FalconShores
#iamintel #intel #gpu #hpc #ai #artificialintelligence #semiconductors #datacenter #falconshores
Falcon Shores XPU is cancelled, the next HPC/AI Intel GPU is coming in 2025 under the recycled codename: https://www.hpcwire.com/2023/05/22/intel-admits-gpu-mistakes-reveals-new-supercomputing-chip-roadmap/
#IamIntel #Intel #GPU #HPC #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Semiconductors #Datacenter #FalconShores
#iamintel #intel #gpu #hpc #ai #artificialintelligence #semiconductors #datacenter #falconshores
Intel may have delayed the #FalconShores release, but their ambitions for the data center GPU market is still strong! #RialtoBridge may be canceled, but Intel remains committed to delivering innovative and powerful GPUs on a two-year cadence for all of your data center needs! #IntelGPU #IntelDataCenter #IntelStrong http://www.techmeme.com/230303/p16#a230303p16
#falconshores #rialtobridge #intelgpu #inteldatacenter #intelstrong
#Intel Shifts Its Max Series Focus To #FalconShores In 2025
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/phoronix/status/1631782096346701829