Ich benutze gerade den Browser #Falkon und bekomme bei Benutzung von #Mastodon bzw. die Meldung
"422 Can't verify CSRF token authenticity."
Das ist doch bestimmt ein Browserproblem, oder?
Kann mir jemand helfen und erklären, was das bedeutet? @martinmuc vielleicht? 🙂
You think I'm done yet?
#Google #Ultron (this one is a joke)
AANNNNND that's all of the chromium based shit I know of.
thanks 4 reading g through this stupid idea
#salamweb #carbonyl #androidwebview #citiro #ultron #Google #discord #browsh #blink #dooble #falkon #element #qt6webview #qt5webview #SRWAREIRON #qutebrowser #torchbrowser #scratch3offlineeditor #turbowarpofflineditor #sleipnir #360securebrowser #rockmelt #redcore
PSA @fedora folks, to use #Discourse (#AskFedora and #FedoraDiscussion) on your #QTWebEngine based browsers like #Qutebrowser and #Falkon, pass `enable-experimental-web-platform-features` in the `qt.args` (for Qutebrowser, not sure what it is for Falkon):
#discourse #askfedora #fedoradiscussion #qtwebengine #qutebrowser #falkon
@claudiom Even #Firefox isn't trustworthy these days as you should read this:
I go with #Tor or #Falkon if you want true privacy although #LibreWolf, #Vivaldi, or #ungoogledchromium are in the good second tier.
#firefox #tor #falkon #librewolf #vivaldi #ungoogledchromium
Rechtschreibprüfung im Falkon Browser
Zur Aktivierung der Rechtschreibprüfung im Falkon Browser müssen zunächst die Wörterbücher im passenden Format bereitgestellt werden.
#falkon #browser #webbrowser #rechtschreibprufung #linux
Well, I got an #AlpineLinux box working on my old laptop with an #Openbox desktop running #tint2 as its taskbar, #Xfce terminal, and #Falkon as its web browser.
It can confidently run #SuperTuxKart and #Minetest and I'm working on seeing if I can get #Minecraft running.
It's still more than a little clunky and held together with duct tape, but I love this thing. This is probably how my little brother feels when he's tinkering with his truck.
#alpinelinux #openbox #tint2 #xfce #falkon #supertuxkart #minetest #minecraft
#Deezer führt in drei verschiedenen Browser unter #FreeBSD zu #MemoryLeaks! In #Iridium (basierend auf #Chromium), #Falkon (basierend auf #QtWebEngine) und #Firefox
Es gab bereits früher ein solches Leak in #Firefox unter #Windows, das wurde mittlerweile behoben.
Ist das nur bei mir so?
Liegt das am OS oder an Deezer?
#deezer #freebsd #memoryleaks #iridium #chromium #falkon #qtwebengine #firefox #windows
Why is it that #Falkon and #Konqueror can leverage KIO to provide generic protocol access, and #OtterBrowser can leverage the extensive Qt image format support when using the QtWebKit engine to support more exotic formats (or the new #JpegXL standard), but neither #Chrome nor #Firefox nor #Vivaldi offer comparable extensibility?
I'm sure somebody will try to make a claim about “security”, but I very strongly doubt that's anywhere close to the actual reason.
#vivaldi #firefox #chrome #jpegxl #otterbrowser #konqueror #falkon
#falkon 3.2.0 works at my side pretty well and fast. Also it is possible to use WebRTK for #jitsimeeting and #BigBlueBotton .
There are only the issue on my side that sometimes login pages or login popups was not detected, so kwallet need to be used manual.
PS: I also vote for #uBlockOrigin instead of AdBlock plugin
#qtwebengine #webkitgtk #ublockorigin #BigBlueBotton #jitsimeeting #falkon
::: FALKON :kde:
Looking for a new alternative for a web browser?
Falkon is a Qt-based lightweight one - kicking ahead in development.
Falkon has grown to be feature-rich - how much so in your opinion - why not give it a spin?
Please report all the bugs possibly encountered to forward this browser by KDE 🙏
#Falkon #browsers #KDE #QtWebEngine #Qt #Linux #web #Qupzilla #OpenSource #FreeSoftware
#freesoftware #opensource #qupzilla #web #linux #qt #qtwebengine #kde #browsers #falkon
@ianthetechie @sotolf @doctormo @james
Not a bad idea. I've wanted to use two browsers (or at least two profiles) to separate trusted and untrusted web browsing for a while.
I've used #Falkon (formerly known as #Qupzilla) for a while, but I recently learned that it's just Blink under the hood, not WebKit.
Not want. I hate web monopolies. I wish KDE had a #WebKit browser, but I think that's an issue with #TrollTech, not sure.
#falkon #qupzilla #webkit #trolltech
Al final quise cacharrear con las configuraciones de Falkon y se arreglo el problema de lentitud del navegador. Tenia muchas suscripciones en el bloqueador de anuncios y me ralentizaba el navegador, así que he vuelto a él ya que es mi navegador favorito y el que mas me gusta.
Benutze nur #libreoffice von den aufgezählten, und denke meine Auswahl ist für mich auf #opensuse #tumbleweed ist für mich persönlich besser:
#spectacle #kontact #kwallet #kdeconnect #kate #neochat #whalebird #falkon #KDEdolphin #KDEkonsole
#KDEkonsole #KDEdolphin #falkon #whalebird #neochat #kate #kdeconnect #kwallet #kontact #spectacle #tumbleweed #opensuse #libreoffice
@linuxiac Yeah, but at the end of the day, it's still created by #Google. I wish the Internet could figure out how to build an independent browser. AT the moment, I reluctantly use #Firefox, even though they've become woke too. I think the closest "independent" browser that has potential is #KDE's #Falkon. It's *almost* a good browser. Needs more funding or support or something.
Really? Chromium seems to be the only *big* browser (ok, there's only two) that runs well on #OpenBSD.
Firefox has a *lot* of lag just opening a tab. I don't know if that's because of all the sweet Russian ballroom dances OBSD does with re-ordering RAM, or what. But I found ffox unusable on obsd.
And of course, I won't use #Chromium, but at least there's #luakit, which I'm really *loving* right now. It has replaced #suckless #surf, #qutebrowser, & #falkon
#openbsd #chromium #luakit #suckless #surf #qutebrowser #falkon
Try #NetSurf! It's a lot closer to a simple browser like #Falkon/#Qupzilla or #Suckless' Surf, but also very low-resource-usage:
(all three running a single window/tab):
~ $ surfmem
75.9297 MiB used by surf processes
317.762 MiB used by surf subprocesses (WebKit)
393.691 MiB total used by surf
~ $ ps aux |awk '$11=="netsurf" {print $6/1024" MB"}'
60.5586 MB
~ $ ps aux |awk '$11=="dillo" {print $6/1024" MB"}'
12.6289 MB