Maybe parents should communicate with their kids, rather than use politics to blame everyone else.
#StitchedInkMedia #Politics #RightWing #Culpability #Con #Ford #Harper #Canada #Fallacy #Past #World #Ontario #Blame #False
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #rightwing #culpability #con #ford #harper #canada #fallacy #past #world #ontario #blame #false
Taking off the glasses doesn’t make you Superman.
#StitchedInkMedia #Politics #Canada #Fallacy #Disguise #World #RightWing #False #Promises #Harper #Nihilism #Con #Past #NoFuture #Profit
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #canada #fallacy #disguise #world #rightwing #false #promises #harper #nihilism #con #past #nofuture #profit
@uanews I think this is #Falseequivalence, a #fallacy. And what a terrible man this #ramaswamy.
#ramaswamy #fallacy #falseequivalence
"The backpack fallacy rears its ugly head once again"
Never heard of the backpack fallacy before, but it's a nice name for an all-too-common problem.
The fundamental forces that have allowed our #universe and #existence are such because they must be for us to be here. It's not a #mystery. They are exactly how they are because they must be. Personifying #math is a #philosophical #fallacy.
#universe #existence #mystery #math #philosophical #fallacy
The number one biggest fallacy in the golf swing.
#annerollogolf #Biggest #commonfaultsingolf #commonfaultsinthegolfswing #dennisehuttongolf #fallacy #Golf #golfgals #golfgirlvideos #golfgirlvlog #golfgirlYouTube #golfwingheaddown #headdowningolf #howtofixmygolfswing #howtokeepyourheaddowningolf #Number #progolfgals #progolfgirls #progolfgals #progolfgirls #Swing #women'sgolftips
#annerollogolf #biggest #commonfaultsingolf #commonfaultsinthegolfswing #dennisehuttongolf #fallacy #golf #golfgals #golfgirlvideos #golfgirlvlog #golfgirlyoutube #golfwingheaddown #headdowningolf #howtofixmygolfswing #howtokeepyourheaddowningolf #number #progolfgals #progolfgirls #swing #women
#fallacy #science The biggest fallacy out there right now is “Everyone is saying it so it must be true.” If you question and actually try to find supporting sources you find most to be theory with no evidence or verifiable, repeatable, documented experiments. Just claims. Also, you’ll know its disinformation when there is no evidence and when you question they say “we’ve done the research so you don’t have.” #stopblindlytrusting #doyourownresearch
#fallacy #science #stopblindlytrusting #doyourownresearch
Is there a name for the combination of fallacies, loaded question + conflation? Rich Lowry is a masterclass in fallacious argument. By using a loaded question he conflates a civil rights question with a new law that was motivated by that question. It's subtle but says "if you question what we have done, then you oppose the principle that motivates our action", and thusly he dodges the question, is gov't retaliation against speech unconstitutional?
#philosophy #fallacy
@philosophy Practical #political #philosophy from #cognitive #neuroscience:
Why is the claim: ”Everything is fair and equal because the same rules apply to everyone” a #fallacy?
This cornerstone of modernity has eventually been shown to be false, because it is based on the assumption that humanity experiences ”the world as it is”.
Cognitive & computational neuroscience have strongly pointed toward Kant’s description of human experience to be the correct one: 1/3
#political #philosophy #cognitive #neuroscience #fallacy
According to research, many men seem to think that the exploitation of animals adds up to their manliness. While it is an absurd and restraining belief, we should take it serious. #MaleFragility #ToxicMasculinity #fallacy #meatConsumption
#meatConsumption #fallacy #toxicmasculinity #malefragility
What has no agency can't have Theory of Mind.
ToM is an internal state of this-agent about the internal state (mind) of other-agent. It is a prediction of other-agent's future actions, made up to guide proper (re)action of this-agent.
Agent-other-ness needs this-ness of an *agent*(!).
But, a thing can output something (text) that induces a ToM in an agent (reader), even about that agent itself.
Thing's text *mimics* signals-tinted-with-ToM of typical agents.
Zoe thinks sexy thoughts about a movie star which leads her to tell her friend "I'd love fuck him!" which may or may not constitute "objectificaiton" but this behavior is a leading cause of rape.
That's your slippery slope. It's absurd.
but it is awesome Puritan fear-mongering which is great for slut-shaming.
#PuritanRevival #SlutShaming #SexualShame #Guilt #SlipperySlope #Fallacy #MovieStar
#PuritanRevival #slutshaming #sexualshame #guilt #slipperyslope #fallacy #moviestar
A logical #fallacy is an error in the logic of an argument that prevents it from being logically valid or logically sound, but need not always prevent it from swaying people's minds.
Examples of fallacies include the straw-man fallacy, in which one distorts another person's argument, which often makes his or her argument easier to attack. As with most fallacies, the straw-man fallacy may result from sloppy thinking — or, more dubiously, used on purpose. The ad hominem is also a common fallacy where you attack the person who makes the argument, even though the validity of an argument is likely entirely independent of the character of a person who makes it. This is frequently used in political discourse. Another common fallacy is the non sequitur, in which someone takes premises and then forms a conclusion that the premises do not logically support.
#RationalWiki #logicalfallacy
#fallacy #rationalwiki #logicalfallacy
Here is the Corder version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the Rumble version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia