#Windowfriday 🪟
Facade of a model flat building for #Modelrailways
#Flatgebouw #Flat #Highrise #Hochhaus #Modelrailway #ModelRailroad #Modelleisenbahn #Faller #Fotografie #Photography #Snapshot #PublicDomain #VensterVrijdag #FensterFreitag
#Fensterfreitag #venstervrijdag #publicdomain #snapshot #photography #fotografie #faller #modelleisenbahn #modelrailroad #modelrailway #hochhaus #highrise #flat #flatgebouw #ModelRailways #WindowFriday
The faller OSKAR Portable TV Voice Enhancer is designed to prioritise speech and dialogue in an easy to use and attractive package up to 30 metres from you TV.
Designed to aid hearing difficulties making it easier to hear dialogue on films and TV shows.
#Soundbar #hifi #oskar #faller #Audio #TV