This #MendingMonday I finished mending the moth holes in my sweater vest #knitting WIP. Now I can start on solving its WIP problem!
#mendingmonday #knitting #fallfinishalong
Blocking time for my second #FallFinishAlong #FallFinishAlong_FOs! Greemy booties for my coworker who requested rainbows for her baby who’s due in November.
🧶 WYS Signature 4-ply in Rum Paradise #knitting #Knitstodon
#knitstodon #knitting #fallfinishalong_fos #fallfinishalong
Finally got around to patching the hole in this shirt sleeve. I’ve been meaning to do it for… a while. The hole grew a lot in the meantime because spouse will go on wearing things regardless.
I need to practice not pulling so hard when I turn the needle around, but I hope those tiny holes will settle down after washing.
#fallfinishalong #MendingMonday
1/3rd through September... time for an update on my #FallFinishAlong objectives...
#1 - cardigan for daughter = finished!
#2 - I took up #knitting this, but it is a long boring way to go...
#3 - have located the project, but didn't look at it yet #Shame
#4 - finished 2 small brioche learning items! I am wondering if I should try a brioche hat next, or dive into the bigger brioche blanket for mother-in-law... #questions
Started cardigan for a niece (4yo) in rainbow sock yarn #oops
#fallfinishalong #knitting #shame #questions #oops
Almost halfway through September... time for an update on my #FallFinishAlong objectives...
#1 - cardigan for daughter = finished!
#2 - I took up #knitting this, but it is a long boring way to go...
#3 - have located the project, but didn't look at it yet #Shame
#4 - finished 2 small brioche learning items! I am wondering if I should try a brioche hat next, or dive into the bigger brioche blanket for mother-in-law... #questions
Started cardigan for a niece (4yo) in rainbow sock yarn #oops
#fallfinishalong #knitting #shame #questions #oops
I have been making good progress in the #FallFinishAlong on my #knitting but I keep forgetting to take pictures. I finished the right sleeve cuff on the weekend but not sure I’m pleased with the icord bind off. My previous projects with this bind off were too tight, so I consciously stopped myself from pulling too hard on the yarn. The result is a cuff that flares out. Search reveal lots of tips on icord that is too tight, but not on those that are too loose. Any tips? @knitting
Second project for this craft-a-long - one sock down, one to go.
Progress is slow - I like the colors, the pattern stitch looks simple enough. But it takes an surprising amount of concentration to get the shifts correct, so it's not really mindless #knitting
I've also decided what to do with one of my other sockknitting projects: frogging. Adding an elaborate, fold-down cuff, size 10 feet and 100 g of yarn don't go together.
#sockknitting #fiberarts #knitting #fallfinishalong
Shiny object syndrome for me, and usually not another project of the same craft. Sometimes, but often not, I'm fairly disciplined when it comes to only having a manageable amount of WIPs in any given hobby.
The problem is having a bajillionty hobbies, lmao!
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls
My first #FallFinishAlong finish is a frogged pair of shortie socks. Nearly complete, but my first time knitting a short row heel and it's very clear it's not going to work for my feet. So, frogged those, using the yarn for a frankensock where I like the cable in a pattern but I've been burned again by toe up socks so I'm reworking it to go cuff down.
Haven’t made much #FallFinishAlong sewing progress today, but I have got a bit further with #knitting Christmas decorations for the team at work - I’m not marking this as finished yet, as I’ve got another 6 to do!
Hello all! In #FallFinishAlong we are talking about blockers this week. This poll is open to anyone to answer. #knitting #FiberArts #crochet #quilting #ceramics #crafting @knitting @fiberarts #FallFinishAlong_Polls
Which of the following blockers do you find yourself held up by? (can select multiple answers if your client allows)
#fallfinishalong #knitting #fiberarts #crochet #quilting #ceramics #crafting #fallfinishalong_polls
@knitting It's growing veeeeery slowly. You can't rush brioche, like @mandelbrot57 said (paraphrase). According to my calculations, I should continue in pattern for another 8cm 😩 I really want to move onto a next step already. #FallFinishAlong is helping though.
Glazed these 2 #ceramics from August today! #FallFinishAlong
1. Thrown on the wheel. These are wobbly and imperfect.
2. Trimming, the “fix it in post” of pottery. I fix the bases when they’re “leather hard” and added/refined textures. They get the first kiln firing!
3/4. Today: Glazing! I prep the bisque fired pieces for glaze, then apply a series of very mercurial behaved liquid/gel/solids to the pieces.
Next: 2nd firing glaze transformation. Can’t wait to see what the kiln cryptids create!
@consumableJoy Well, jumped the gun on frogging a WIP that I was hating because I need the needle to finish the body of this sweater! #fallfinishalong I guess that’s one way to get me moving on a decision.
I glazed this piece and 3 others on Thursday! Forgot to take photos but I’ll share once I get them back! #FallFinishAlong #Ceramics
My #FallFinishAlong will be less prolific than I hoped due to #LongCovid but, here’s one of my few #Ceramics updates. Ready for first firing!
It already shrunk a lot so it’ll prob be less ramen-sized but that’s ok! Learning lots.
#fallfinishalong #LongCovid #ceramics
Behold! A sock
(I still gotta weave in the ends, but this is finished enough for #FallFinishAlong, right?)
Plans for today:
✔️ Eat breakfast
- Kickboxing
- Trying out Instacart for the first time, mostly to see if I can make a list with it, because the store-specific app is not letting me (they know about the issue, but I'm guessing they won't have an answer till at least Monday, and I need groceries this weekend. :P)
-Knitting #FallFinishAlong
- Finishing the sample of @BranwenOShea 's The Calling and buying the full book
Hmmm, even though I have two #sewing projects on my #FallFinishAlong to-do list, I’m still being totally distracted by the shiny new Peppermint Magazine Belle shirt
@consumableJoy Just finished @oliveknits “The Joy of Yarn,” and it’s truly a perfect companion to #fallfinishalong Such a great guide to looking clearly at why we have what we have, and how to make it work for us. The book focuses on stash, but the guidance works for WIPs too!