Shiny object syndrome for me, and usually not another project of the same craft. Sometimes, but often not, I'm fairly disciplined when it comes to only having a manageable amount of WIPs in any given hobby.
The problem is having a bajillionty hobbies, lmao!
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls
Hello all! In #FallFinishAlong we are talking about blockers this week. This poll is open to anyone to answer. #knitting #FiberArts #crochet #quilting #ceramics #crafting @knitting @fiberarts #FallFinishAlong_Polls
Which of the following blockers do you find yourself held up by? (can select multiple answers if your client allows)
#fallfinishalong #knitting #fiberarts #crochet #quilting #ceramics #crafting #fallfinishalong_polls
The “How old are your WIPs poll” is closed! There are a lot of adulting WIPs out there. And lots of people have at least one long-term WIP laying around. Nothing wrong with older WIPs! Some are even treasures and heirlooms. Still, starting tomorrow we’ll talk about how to get over whatever keeps us from finishing them, and the week after we’ll even perhaps commit to ripping/killing some!
#knitting #fiberarts #FallFinishAlong #FallFinishAlong_Polls @knitting @fiberarts
#knitting #fiberarts #fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls
Hi All - the first “How old is your oldest WIP?” Poll ended with 70% saying 2 years or older. By popular demand, we are back with a new version with more options on the high end. So, without any further ado:
How old is your oldest WIP? (WIPs are like your kids edition)
As always, open to anyone to answer.
#FallFinishAlong_Polls #FallFinishAlong #knitting #FiberArts @knitting @fiberarts
#fallfinishalong_polls #fallfinishalong #knitting #fiberarts
Hi all! By popular demand, a follow-up poll to our “how old is your oldest WIP?” poll. 70% said more than 2 years so clearly we need more options! So… here we are with
How old is your oldest WIP?
“Where does the time go?” version
#FallFinishAlong_Polls #FallFinishAlong #knitting #FiberArts @knitting @fiberarts
#fallfinishalong_polls #fallfinishalong #knitting #fiberarts
Hello all! Time for the second #FallFinishAlong poll! Once again, open to anyone to answer.
How old is your oldest WIP?
Mastodon only allows 4 options per poll so feel free to leave a comment with more detail on your answer! Especially the actual age of your oldest WIP if older than 2 years ☺️
#FallFinishAlong_Polls #knitting #FiberArts @knitting @fiberarts
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls #knitting #fiberarts
Thanks to the 175 who answered the first #FallFinishAlong poll: how many WIPs do you have 2-5 projects, I am relieved to see that a good 20% of us fall above 10 WIPs. I’m actually above 20 but sadly Mastodon polls only permit 4 options so we couldn’t get more granular or offer answers like “I don’t keep track” lol. Stay turned for more #FallFinishAlong_Polls. #knitting #FiberArts @knitting @fiberarts (remove groups for reply)
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls #knitting #fiberarts
Hello everyone! Here is the first poll #FallFinishAlong. Open to anyone to answer!
#knitting #fiberarts @knitting @fiberarts
How many WIPs do you have?
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls #knitting #fiberarts
Some people asked for guidelines for the #fallfinishalong so here we are! Super loose, no “day by day requirements” - just chime in when you can with what you can. Kicking off Sept 1!
Week 1: All about our WIPs
Week 2: Overcoming Blockers
Week 3: Ripping, Frogging, or otherwise Killing
Week 4: Weaving in Ends, Blocking, and Other Finishing
Find polls and results at #fallfinishalong_polls (once we start them). Post your finished objects at #fallfinishalong_FOs so we can find them!
#fallfinishalong #fallfinishalong_polls #fallfinishalong_fos