#FallOrDodgeinHell ch 55:
Zula had fallen out of the habit of watching Bitworld because it happened too fast to be intelligible. She had a memory of a Thanksgiving, more than 100 years ago, at the Forthrast farm in Iowa. She & her cousins were passing the time w/a #VideoGame & she had looked up to see Uncle Claude, spry & curious at 83, standing in the doorway looking at the big screen perfectly aghast...some combination of age & culture shock had shifted Uncle Claude into a lower gear.
There was no one moment when they definitely crossed over into #Ameristan. The closest thing: when Tom pulled onto the shoulder & yanked off the license plates (held on w/magnets). Then the caravan was back on the road.
JULIEN: When in Rome.
#FallOrDodgeInHell #FoDiH
#Ameristan #fallordodgeinhell #fodih
ALICE FORTHRAST: Is this the Waterhouse from the weird cyber bank?
[referring to a tech philanthropist who'd been involved in an early cryptocurrency venture that had #somehow managed to grow into a serious financial institution.]
C-PLUS: The same.
[A for-profit financial institution, spawned out of an earlier startup, Epiphyte, joined by diverse, murky co-conspirators, occupied the upper 2/3rds of the building. #FALLorDodgeInHell
Neal completed the following thought from #Reamde in #FallOrDodgeInHell with his #Ameristan chapters.
"But Dodge was convinced they were on the threshold between Midwest & West: On one side of the crick you're raking leaves while listening to Big Ten football, but on the other side, you were plucking arrows out of your hat"
#Reamde #fallordodgeinhell #Ameristan
@JennyV @agent0x0 @luis @bookstodon
#cryptonomicon over 900 pages, #fallordodgeinhell over 880 pages...i wonder how many pages were cut before publishing.
#cryptonomicon #fallordodgeinhell
and i really enjoyed #fallordodgeinhell too; super long but brilliant!
So, I've finished reading #FallOrDodgeInHell by #NealStephenson and enjoyed reading it, but moving on to what to read next I've discovered that I should perhaps have read #Reamde or #ReadMe first. Oops!;*
#fallordodgeinhell #nealstephenson #Reamde #readme
So I'm now 71% through #FallOrDodgeInHell and am enjoying it slightly more than Diamond Age. Nice to see how the families of characters from #NealStephenson 's other novels have developed, though they are only back-story so you don't need to have read his other novels to understand this one.
#fallordodgeinhell #nealstephenson #ebooks #amreading
Just, finally, finished reading #TheDiamondAge by #NealStephenson
An interesting read that reminds me a little of #StandOnZanzibar by #JohnBrunner though I've only just thought that as I was typing this post.
Onwards to #FallOrDodgeInHell
#thediamondage #nealstephenson #StandOnZanzibar #johnbrunner #fallordodgeinhell #amreading #ebooks
@elegose Abuztuko liburuari orain arte ekin ez izanaren arrazoia #ZientziaFikzioa eta #Fantasia nahasten dituen #NealStephensonen liburu berria izan da: #FallOrDodgeInHell. Abiapuntua bideo-jokoekin dirutza egindako gizon baten heriotza da. Bere testamentuan gorputza kriogenizatzeko eskatzen du. Hortik aurrera hainbat gai agertzen dira ia 900 orriko liburukotean: fake news-ak, AEBetako erlijio fanatismoa, hilezkortasun digitala, mitologia greko eta judeo-kristaua...
#zientziafikzioa #fantasia #nealstephenson #fallordodgeinhell