Kotaku: Starfield's Official Mod Tools Are Coming In 2024 https://kotaku.com/starfield-official-mod-support-2024-pc-xbox-series-xs-1850825723 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #bethesdagamestudios #technologyinternet #videogamemodding #videogamesequels #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft #fallout4 #modding #mod #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #bethesdagamestudios #technologyinternet #videogamemodding #videogamesequels #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft #fallout4 #modding #mod #rpg
Tarde de domingo por el yermo de fallout 4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#fallout4 #gaming #twitch
so i played #StarField for most of yesterday! i have some thoughts:
is it #fallout4 in space? yes, seems so. but that’s not a bad thing. traversing the map, looting, picking locks, etc., all feels pleasantly familiar.
ship combat feels… not super great? at least, not yet. i have not done much with the ship builder or upgrades because i don’t have a lot of money yet. i think the starting ship might just be under-spec’d.
Tears as we finished Under the Waves, then moved swiftly into Fallout 4.
Thank you for the follow/s - shanesdanish
Sub/s - FirewalkerIV
Gifted Sub/s - DollyWhiskers
Bits - TheClumsyKie
Raid - CuriouslyCuddlyCryptid
#underthewaves #quanticdream #fallout4
I’m about 2 hours into #Fallout4 for the very first time. After a slow-ish start, I just got my first proper mission, hacked my first terminal and acquired a taste for the machete. I’m a #Skyrim veteran. I think this is going to be okay.
#Gaming #PS4
#ps4 #gaming #skyrim #fallout4
To this day, I still name every character in Fallout 4 "Boobies." I never get tired of Codsworth calling me Miss Boobies.
#Fallout #Fallout4
🔴 Today I'm going deep! (uWu) with Quantic Dream's Under the Waves. 🌊 Then some Fallout 4 for dessert.
Going live Saturday, 09 September | 18:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#underthewaves #quanticdream #fallout4
@leerayl i put a lot of hours into both #fallout4 and #fallout76, and while i think all the criticism of both games is perfectly valid, i would say that i enjoyed the experiences. i can see how “fallout 4 but in space” might be taken as pejorative, but i’m fine with it. i’m willing to go on a space adventure with familiar game mechanics. but only time will tell!
Fallout in space seen
Bethesda's title launches late
Much disappointment
#starfield #bethesda #fallout4 #space #haiku #poetry
#starfield #bethesda #fallout4 #space #haiku #poetry
Tarde de sábado por el yermo de fallout 4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#fallout4 #gaming #twitch
Kotaku: Starfield, As Told By Steam Reviews https://kotaku.com/starfield-steam-reviews-xbox-bethesda-fallout-skyrim-pc-1850814541 #gaming #tech #kotaku #theelderscrollsiiimorrowind #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #theelderscrollsvskyrim #bethesdasoftworks #videogamesequels #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zackzwiezen #toddhoward #starfield #gamestop #fallout4 #bestbuy #fallout #amazon #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #theelderscrollsiiimorrowind #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #theelderscrollsvskyrim #bethesdasoftworks #videogamesequels #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zackzwiezen #toddhoward #starfield #gamestop #fallout4 #BestBuy #fallout #amazon #rpg
Nos vamos de paseo por el yermo de fallout 4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#fallout4 #gaming #twitch
Dando vueltas con Curie por el yermo de fallout 4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#fallout4 #gaming #twitch
So I finish #JediSurvivor or #fallout4 before #starfield or just have all three unfinished at the same time
#jedisurvivor #fallout4 #starfield
Mortaja plateada ala Búsqueda de villanos del fallout4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#gaming #fallout4 #twitch
Editing of part 4 of my "how I build in Fallout 4" series is back in action.
No clue how much longer this one will take though.
#videoediting #fallout4 #settlementbuilding
Tarde de domingo por el yermo del fallout4 en mi canal de twitch https://twitch.tv/lordbogle vengan genteee!
#Fallout4 #twitch #gaming
watched footage of this #sick #Fallout4 mod with updated futuristic base building, different planets, starship dog fights, a new 15-hour-story and new side quests (all of them fetch); GrAphIcS were enhanced a bit but FO4 rag-doll and facial expressions still present; however, it is a Fallout 4, after all, so that is to be expected.
It's post-apocalyptic party time, and war… never changes! Come and join me for Fallout 4.
Going live Saturday, 02 September | 19:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#fallout #fallout4 #twitchstreamer
#Starfield is pretty darn fun, with a lot of that #Bethesda charm and expansiveness. It’s like if #Fallout4 and #OuterWorlds had a baby, with some space travel mechanics.
#outerworlds #fallout4 #Bethesda #starfield