This week is International Alternative to #CAGEMAFIA Week.
Today, we will celebrate by finding random people on the street and asking them whether they have heard of the alternative to Goo' Maps,
Tomorrow we will ask a question related to fediverse.
Join us in celebrating this special week we just made up.
#alternativeTo #cloudGlare #scAmazon #screwgle #microShaft #falseBook
#cageMafia #openstreetmap #alternativeto #cloudGlare #Scamazon #screwgle #microshaft #falsebook @realcaseyrollins
Fedizens, beware of CloudFlare instances like this one asking eerily #personalQuestions.
Or *any* instances, really.
In the early days of #Falsebook there was no shortage of #questionaires like. People thought it fun to spill all to get a cute #avatar. Its called #profiling and was popularised at the start of the #neoliberal, postmodern, #corporatist experiment in the #1970s — they mailed them, then.
Know history, don't let them repeat it.
#personalquestions #falsebook #questionaires #avatar #profiling #neoliberal #corporatist #1970s
There is literally nothing stopping #AOC from having access to both #fedi and the #doomsdayMachine, (we mean- #falsebook).
We struggle to see her as a truly #progressive voice. In our experience, the sorts of #identityPolitics we have seen coming out of the #twoPartySystem in the #USA, is a manufactured #falseChoice-type dichotomy, to divide people in simplistic ways, rather than bring people together on things, eg. privacy.
#aoc #fedi #doomsdaymachine #falsebook #progressive #identitypolitics #twopartysystem #usa #falseChoice
Its not as though we didn't benefit wildly from boostTooting on #FalseBook for years, before we were #shadowBanned for beginning to talk about Assange when his internet was cut. We would #riff over an OP and it felt satisfiying to do that. We were able to build a following doing that — and other posting, of course. But that is not the culture we now want to see on fedi. We've come to prefer the dialogue that fediverse encourages.
If you want to #translate a toot, just translate it.
#falsebook #shadowbanned #riff #translate
Congratulations Fedizens.
There are now only 19 human users remaining on #turdSite, and 21,000 human users remaining on #falseBook, but the greatest and most genuine achievement is that the percentage of people who know about Fediverse is well into the double digits now, and yet most talking heads in #theMedia, cannot bring themselves to utter the word…
The word being "#fediverse".
Say it loud — say it clear,
Fediverse is here.
#TurdSite #falsebook #theMedia #fediverse