ENG: Listen up. I conducted a small test on my account https://mastodon.social/@octopusproject where I flagged my own account https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin as a spammer, randomly marking completely innocent posts with a simple message saying that such people should be banned and permanently removed from social networks. I should note that I did not publish anything offensive or rule-breaking. Today I checked and my account https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin is completely blocked on mastodon.social without any reason. It is simply unavailable. This is how fascism works. Watch and learn. I conducted this test out of sheer curiosity to see how fascism can be embedded in an app.
PL: Translate and create post for mastodon: słuchajcie. zrobiłem mały test na moim koncie https://mastodon.social/@octopusproject oznaczałem moje konto https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin jako spamera przy czym randomowo oznaczałem całkiem niewinne posty z prostą informacją, że takich ludzi powinno się zabanować i usunąć na stałe z sieci społecznościowych. Dodam, że nie publikowałem niczego zdrożnego ani łamiącego regulamin. Dzisiaj sprawdzam i moje konto https://social.dadalo.pl/@dadalo_admin jest całkowicie zablokowane na mastodon.social bez żadnego powodu. Nie jest po prostu dostępne. Tak działa faszyzm. Patrzcie i uczcie się. Ja zrobiłem test z czystej ciekawości, żeby zobaczyć jak działa faszyzm zaszyty w aplikacji.
#SocialMediaTest #Censorship #FreeSpeech #Mastodon #SocialExperiment #DigitalRights #InternetFreedom #FalseFlagging #OnlineFascism #mastodon #mastodonSocial
#socialmediatest #censorship #freespeech #mastodon #socialexperiment #digitalrights #internetfreedom #falseflagging #onlinefascism #mastodonsocial
Here is the Corder version of my new video where I expose Kent Hovind for being banned by YouTube for buying subscribers, and for calling on his followers to false flag his critics' channels. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#falseflagging #buyingsubs #youtubeban #exposed #kenthovind
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose Kent Hovind for being banned by YouTube for buying subscribers, and for calling on his followers to false flag his critics' channels. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#falseflagging #buyingsubs #youtubeban #exposed #kenthovind
Here is the Rumble version of my new video where I expose Kent Hovind for being banned by YouTube for buying subscribers, and for calling on his followers to false flag his critics' channels. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#falseflagging #buyingsubs #youtubeban #exposed #kenthovind
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I expose Kent Hovind for being banned by YouTube for buying subscribers, and for calling on his followers to false flag his critics' channels. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#falseflagging #buyingsubs #youtubeban #exposed #kenthovind
Here is the YouTube version of my new video where I expose Kent Hovind for being banned by YouTube for buying subscribers, and for calling on his followers to false flag his critics' channels. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#falseflagging #buyingsubs #youtubeban #exposed #kenthovind