So I saw a beautiful #butterfly right before jumping in the car to pick up my daughter. It flew away before I could snap a picture but 10 minutes later I drew a picture of it to try and look it up once we got home.
Once we were home we quickly found it in a nearby tree and eventually even managed to get a picture... 🫣
#EyeWitness #EyeWitnessTestimony #FalseMemory #Justice #Experiment
(maybe this is a different butterfly too? Makes my point even more.)
#butterfly #eyewitness #eyewitnesstestimony #falsememory #justice #experiment
In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Psychologie heute, Mai 2023, gibt es einen sehr ausgewogenen Artikel zu False Memory, mit gutem Aufzeigen der Ungereimtheiten, wenn sich Betroffene erst in Therapien erinnern & einer tollen Erklärung zur Entstehung von Dissoziativer Identitätsstörung.
Eventuell interessant für
Bitte bei Bedarf weiterleiten (Lydia Benecke fällt mir spontan ein, hat vermutlich kein Mastodonkonto).
#Falsememory #DIS #OSDD #Pluralgang
#falsememory #dis #osdd #pluralgang
False memories are recollections of events that did not happen or happened differently from how they are remembered. False memories can have serious consequences, such as affecting eyewitness testimony, creating false accusations, or altering personal identity. A new study has found that false memories can be formed in as little as 8 seconds, depending on the type of memory and the context.
#FalseMemory #MemoryResearch #Psychology
#falsememory #memoryresearch #psychology
#Confabulation, false memory, or less often pseudomemory is a term in cognitive #psychology defined as a recollection of something that never happened. This can range from something as minor as misremembering an item on a list to fabricating an entire detailed, vivid #memory out of whole cloth. While it is intuitively obvious that memory is fallible, a great deal of #pseudoscience and #woo is built on the idea that all or at least some memory is infallible, as in much #anecdotal evidence. This assertion is unsupported by current evidence. Memory, in essence, is not akin to a tape recorder but a process that reconstructs past experience. This makes it highly susceptible to errors.
The foundational works relating to confabulation in #memory were produced by Frederic Bartlett & Elizabeth Loftus.
#RationalWiki #falsememory
#confabulation #psychology #memory #pseudoscience #woo #anecdotal #rationalwiki #falsememory
@RiotLinguistics To repeat an old Twitter thread of mine:
Two oft-cited cases of science used in court don't look so "yay science" to me:
1. Andrew Deen, whose DNA-based rape conviction was overturned by Bayes theorem;
2. Joseph Pacely, acquitted of attempted rape after Elizabeth Loftus argued his accuser had false memories. [1/5]
A deep dive into the dubious "false memory syndrome" (from 2021)
#childsexualabuse #falsememory
After 30 years, the British False Memory Society is (not) set to close
by Chris French @chrisfrench
Since 1993, the British False Memory Society has been supporting parents accused of abuse via memories apparently 'recovered' during psychotherapy
#FalseMemory #Skeptic #CriticalThinking #Psychology #Regression
#regression #psychology #criticalthinking #skeptic #falsememory
Warm up 😳😳😳
#sapphic #wlw #comic #webcomic #originalcharacter #tapascomic #FalseMemory
#falsememory #tapascomic #originalcharacter #webcomic #comic #wlw #sapphic