I am going to share this as I think there is a much wider point to make. Last year, I studied the #Immensa #Dantelabs #COVID19 testing scandal.
A large #PCR lab basically produced tons of #FalseNegatives -- see my thread from last year:
Today the #Inquiry results came out. Wrong equipment settings were to blame. This is what produced the #FalseNegatives.
More importantly, there is now an #Epidemiology paper with *13*
authors. Let's compare...
#immensa #dantelabs #COVID19 #pcr #falsenegatives #inquiry #epidemiology
Thermal Imaging as Security Theater https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2020/05/thermal_imaging.html #securitytheater #falsenegatives #falsepositives #epidemiology #medicine #covid19
#securitytheater #falsenegatives #falsepositives #epidemiology #medicine #COVID19
Me on COVAD-19 Contact Tracing Apps https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2020/05/me_on_covad-19_.html #falsenegatives #falsepositives #identification #surveillance #bluetooth #baserate #medicine #covid19 #privacy #tracing #gps
#falsenegatives #falsepositives #identification #surveillance #bluetooth #baserate #medicine #COVID19 #privacy #tracing #gps