🚨 Beware of false prophets! 🚫🙏 In a world full of deceit and manipulation, it's crucial to stay vigilant. True spiritual guidance isn't about fancy words or flashy promises, but about genuine compassion, authenticity, and seeking what resonates with YOUR heart. Trust your instincts and discern wisely! #FalseProphets #StayAlert
#Millennialism #ElmerGantry #FalseProphets it’s a total reboot of Elmer Gantry. And it’s scary as fuck! The Bible is filled with verses about false prophets and arrogance. Roger Stone and Michael Flynn as prophets? “and the ignorant shall inherit the Earth.” William Penn would be appalled…Quakers are pacifists. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/christian-movement-new-apostolic-reformation-politics-trump/674320/
#millennialism #elmergantry #falseprophets
You know it’s just a dirty rag on your head right? What am I missing. Is this dumb #twat missing a limb? She’s wearing a #hijab so parts of her brain, if not all must be missing!
It would be interesting if she shoved a #tampon up her ass instead and hit up a stair master!
Why put those #sherpas in harms way?
#hijabi #mountaineer #FalseProphets #mounteverest #chomolungma #muslims
#muslims #chomolungma #mounteverest #falseprophets #mountaineer #hijabi #sherpas #tampon #hijab #twat
Prophets for Profit
#The77Percent #Africa #Africanyouth #SouthAfrica #TimOmotoso #Falseprophets #diggingdeep #sexualabuse #ProphetShepherdBushiri #Jesus
#jesus #prophetshepherdbushiri #sexualabuse #DiggingDeep #falseprophets #timomotoso #southafrica #africanyouth #africa #the77percent
Impostor Thoth
In this series I am going to share what I perceived through direct experience about false prophets and impostor spiritual entities.
#spiritual #guides #falseprophets #falselight #artificialintelligence
#spiritual #guides #falseprophets #falselight #artificialintelligence
Don't confuse actual loving #Christians & #Catholics with hateful faithless #Evangelicals and #Republicans. Countless #ProgressiveChristians vote blue, not red.
"If anyone says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, he is a liar." ( I John 4:18-21)
#WWJD #GOPHypocrisy #FalseProphets
#ChristianProgressives #JesusChrist #Fascism
#christians #catholics #evangelicals #republicans #progressivechristians #wwjd #gophypocrisy #falseprophets #christianprogressives #jesuschrist #fascism
@cadenza @UpstartCrow
It works well for me. At the very least, it silences then from repeating their hate proudly, and using Jesus as an excuse.
One thing I throw in their faces is that I'm also a Christian. My atheist brother is more quickly dismissed when he debates them, simply because they assume "he needs Jesus" and "he's never felt the Holy Spirit."
Well, I already HAVE Jesus, I HAVE felt the Holy Spirit, and I can tell you Jesus wouldn't approve of hate and bigotry. I can also quote them verse for verse why they should trust me over their Prosperity Gospel Preachers and TV Evangelists:
"Beware of #FalseProphets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits shall ye know them."
"Many shall come in my name, but believe them not."
"They shall say unto me, 'Lord, did we not heal and cast out demons in your name?' and I will say, 'I know you not'."
Make sure to point out that their Preachers are False Prophets if they preach hate.
Matthew 7:15-20 ESV
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ...
@TheGuardian_uk when people praise the ftse's performance..everyone else needs to hunker down
FALSE PROPHETS - marat-sade
American Punk Rock / Hardcore band from New York City.
Entzun / Listen (streaming):
Info: https://punkirratia.net/talde/false-prophets.html
Irrati pirata FALSE PROPHETS:
(egun baterako / for 1 day)
#falseprophets #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio @punkirratia
#punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio #falseprophets
FALSE PROPHETS - marat-sade
American Punk Rock / Hardcore band from New York City.
Entzun / Listen (streaming):
Info: https://punkirratia.net/talde/false-prophets.html
Irrati pirata FALSE PROPHETS:
(egun baterako / for 1 day)
#falseprophets #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio @punkirratia
#punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio #falseprophets
FALSE PROPHETS - i am your underside
American Punk Rock / Hardcore band from New York City.
Entzun / Listen (streaming):
Info: https://punkirratia.net/talde/false-prophets.html
Irrati pirata FALSE PROPHETS:
(egun baterako / for 1 day)
#falseprophets #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio @punkirratia
#falseprophets #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio