· @NaturalNews
6255 followers · 32247 posts · Server brighteon.social
Pistache · @11pistache
0 followers · 11 posts · Server piaille.fr
Pistache · @11pistache
0 followers · 10 posts · Server piaille.fr
Pistache · @11pistache
0 followers · 6 posts · Server piaille.fr

Merci de m'épargner ces vaines rengaines. Je la connais bien la contre les pratiquants du en . Hélas relayée à l'extérieur.
Une "officine complotiste" 😂 ?
Parlons plutôt du ⚖️ chinatribunal.com/ , présidé par le même amuseur qui s'est occupé de Slobodan . Cette fois-ci, c'est à propos du des pratiquants de Falun Gong pour leurs organes. Oui, l' de chinoise concerne le entier.

#propagande #falungong #chine #milosevic #massacre #industrie #transplantation #Monde #droits #hospital

Last updated 1 year ago

Anika · @Anikka_Duka
28 followers · 910 posts · Server mstdn.social

I have not seen this documentary but I think this something very damaging to movement. times belong to They are not really about religion anymore. It is about politics and power. They spread misinformation on many issues. It is good if the documentary is unbiased. Are they really fact based organizations?


#falungong #epoch #lgbtq

Last updated 1 year ago

Pistache · @11pistache
4 followers · 83 posts · Server pewtix.com

Défendons la liberté de conscience : STOP à 23 ans de persécution des Falun Gong par le Parti communiste chinois

#petition #falungong #particommunistechinois #droitsdelhomme #droits #Chine #liberte

Last updated 1 year ago

R to @benedictrogers: Second, it provides a glimpse of the truth about the 's persecution of and forced organ harvesting - not throughout the show, but in a couple of acts - in a powerful, informative way / nitter.hongkongers.net/benedic

#ccp #falungong

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Ruthol · @Je5usaurus_rex
249 followers · 1857 posts · Server universeodon.com

Falun-gong associated MAGA billionaire and suspected Chinese double agent Miles Guo (aka a ton of other names) arrested for 1 billion dollar fraud.

This guy is Steve Bannon's sugardaddy. Last time Bannon was arrested it was on Guo's yacht. Falun Gong is a pretend anti-CCP org which spread CCP propaganda in the West through e.g. Epoch Times.


#falungong #milesguo #ccp #China #espionage #fraud

Last updated 2 years ago

Stacey Campbell · @stacey_campbell
223 followers · 854 posts · Server aus.social

A piece of US trivia that usually catches Australians by surprise: you are not allowed to put anything except US mail in a mailbox.

All that unstamped junk mail, free newspapers, grocery fliers, etc that clogs up Australian urban mailboxes simply does not exist here in the US.

Which explains why someone just dropped a propaganda newspaper on my front verandah, vs jamming it in my mailbox.

The Falun Gong may or may not get up to sketchy stuff, but they will not cross the US Mail system.


Last updated 2 years ago

Txopi · @txopi
507 followers · 3662 posts · Server mastodon.eus

Sekta asko daude munduan eta horietako bat erlijioa da. Txinan du jatorria eta bertan dago zabalduen baina mundu osoan 70 milioi jarraitzaile ditu dagoeneko.

Duela gutxi Bilbora musika ikuskizun bat ekarri zuten eta sarrerak agortu ziren:

Horietako batean egondako baten lekukotza:

Erlijioa ​k sortua da eta kristoren harrikada du: estralurtarrek inbaditu gaituztela, ideia arrazista eta homofoboak...

#falungong #lihongzhi

Last updated 2 years ago

Zazzoo 🇨🇦 · @zazzoo
215 followers · 1000 posts · Server wonkodon.com

And foot binding. Ah, those Beautiful Rotting Feet Before Communism. Makes you wonder how those women dance so well on stage.

Look back before paranoia of the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen massacre, Uyghur genocide. The rebellion itself was an act of desperation that ended a class system so cruel that the rich literally spoke a different language than the poor.


#Ottawa #cdnpoli #canpoli #shenyun #falungong #China #communism #socialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Zazzoo 🇨🇦 · @zazzoo
215 followers · 999 posts · Server wonkodon.com

Falun Gong's been taking lessons from the Mormons and make house calls now? I just spoke to two cultists who rang my doorbell and handed me a Shen Yun brochure.

"The Beauty of China Before Communism". I'm not a fan of the current state of China's attempt at communism but they were pretty ripe in the 40s. Starvation and poverty so widespread that Mao's army took entire cities just by offering people a bit of food.


#Ottawa #cdnpoli #canpoli #shenyun #falungong #China #communism #socialism

Last updated 2 years ago

@NoahH 😂

There is a mashup philosophy behind but is just in bible drag.😉

IMO, the defining factor of is not fervent religiosity, but only if you think you have a right to control & dictate morality onto other people.

Maybe most quickly summed up by one question:

Do you think that your country (USA for me) was founded as and should be a Christian country?

#falungong #christoliannationalism #whitesupremacy #christofascism #theresistancewillbefederated

Last updated 2 years ago

Do you think is a or ?

Have you heard of it? What do you think?

What about the or dance performance?

Same group.

The same organization owns both. The Epoch Times is their arm and Shen Yun is the PR cash cow.

They use it to proclaim how awesome China was before and make money. They intentionally keep it distanced from the organization.



#falungong #cult #religion #epochtimes #newspaper #shenyun #propaganda #communism #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism #poll

Last updated 2 years ago

@CodeNameBeo @Woodchaz @baddadda

The same organization owns both. The is their arm and is the PR cash cow.

They use it to proclaim how awesome China was before and make money. They intentionally keep it distanced from the organization.

#falungong #epochtimes #propaganda #shenyun #communism

Last updated 2 years ago

@josephusbrown @baddadda @jpthuot03 @Woodchaz

I hear you and my intention is not to defend religion, but inform about a specific group. are and alligned, but acts as a peaceful eastern religion.



#falungong #antivax #maga

Last updated 2 years ago

@Woodchaz @Dalek_au @baddadda

It's my understanding that they want to keep the 3 things separate and they only use to highlight "China before communism" and to make money for the organization. They don't refer to at all.

#shenyun #falungong

Last updated 2 years ago

@Woodchaz @baddadda

We were discussing whether or not is a or ?

Have you heard of it? What do you think?

What about the#EpochTimes or dance performance?

Same group.

#falungong #cult #religion #newspaper #shenyun #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

@Woodchaz @baddadda

We were discussing whether or not is a or ?

Have you heard of it? What do you think?

What about the#EpochTimes or dance performance?

Same group.

#falungong #cult #religion #newspaper #shenyun #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago