@pmcarlton The Instant Pot yogurt batch turned out perfect today. Really excellent quality.
Welcome to #famichikiyogurtclub 🥰
You’re in😊
@kevin I often just dump a packet of kefir spores into a milk carton, shake a bit and leave it on the shelf for 24 hours (more/less depending on season), say おいしくな~れ and it always does. Happy to join #famichikiyogurtclub if indeed such a thing could exist
My first ever batch of instant pot yogurt is currently four hours into the eight hour incubation cycle.
I ended up using three liters Tsuruya branded whole milk and yogurt for this first batch.
Wondering if it’ll turn out alright.
#yogurtsofmastodon #famichikiyogurtclub #yesyogurtisyourfriend #yogurt
#yogurtsofmastodon #famichikiyogurtclub #yesyogurtisyourfriend #yogurt