"Family policing abolitionists are making the long overdue case that the child welfare system is perniciously entangled with other carceral state systems like immigration enforcement and the criminal punishment system.[vi] But what is often left out of these narratives is that the family itself is a state institution, and it functions as a part of, not an externality to, carceral systems."
#FamilyAbolition #ChildWelfareSystem #CarceralState #ChattelSlavery #patriarchy #ChildrensRights
#familyabolition #childwelfaresystem #carceralstate #chattelslavery #patriarchy #childrensrights
@ShmosKnows A similar thing came up in this discussion on #ThisIsHell about family abolition (super interesting conversation and analysis with a brand that’s never going anywhere 😂)
Transcription in alt
#CriticalTheory #capitalism #FamilyAbolition
#thisishell #criticaltheory #capitalism #familyabolition
I was talking to a friend recently about the return of in-person only conferences with no #covid mitigations, and we started sharing our experiences of #SexualHarassment at them in the era before the #pandemic.
If the push to end #RemoteWork is from people who can't stand their children and spouses, then I can't help but wonder if the push for in-person only conferences is coming from predatory people. Or as my friend and I put it: "The people who want in-person work hate their kids and spouse, and the people who want in-person conferences hate their kids and spouses and want to cheat."
Anyway, #CovidIsNotOver, and I refuse to risk disability and death just so somebody else can hit on people for a weekend and gain some weird sense of petty power in the #patriarchy. Instead we should #AbolishTheFamily, since people seem to dislike it so much.
#WearAMask #BringBackMasks #sexism #harassment #FamilyAbolition
#covid #sexualharassment #pandemic #remotework #covidisnotover #patriarchy #abolishthefamily #wearamask #bringbackmasks #sexism #harassment #familyabolition
I keep coming back to this article, "Romantic #Love Is Killing Us: https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/romantic-love-is-killing-us/
"I have never felt incomplete or alone without a romantic partner, but...I recognize that these [ #romantic ] benefits are not purely financial or physical. They are about daily and mundane interpersonal interactions of reciprocity. In short: investment, and care."
#Covid #Pandemic #Dating #CovidDating #AbolishTheFamily #FamilyAbolition #Single
#love #romantic #covid #pandemic #dating #coviddating #abolishthefamily #familyabolition #single
I don't know that I have any profound conclusion to all this, I just know that the #pandemic exposed how little, if at all, the #NuclearFamily was serving us. And I wish through #covid we could come together and build something bigger and better and more beautiful and communal and collaborative that supports us all. Maybe we will still find a way to do that. I hope we do 🤍
#pandemic #nuclearfamily #covid #familyabolition #relationshipanarchy
I have this fantasy of a bunch of #CovidCautious single people coming together and doing, like, a reading group about ways to radically re-imagine #family, #relationships, and #community, because the #pandemic has deprived us of these things, and I feel like no one's talking about it, not really. I know people who talk about it on an individual level, but I also want to talk about it on a structural, systemic level and I feel so alone in that
#Single #PandemicDating #CovidDating #FamilyAbolition
#COVIDcautious #family #relationships #community #pandemic #single #pandemicdating #coviddating #familyabolition
I learned a new word today!
Amatonormativity: The widespread assumption that everyone is better off in an exclusive, romantic, long-term, coupled relationship and everyone is seeking such a relationship (from Elizabeth Brake)
If we don't have words for it, we can't talk about it or envision #RelationshipAnarchy or #FamilyAbolition or anything beyond the capitalistic, cis-normative, hetero-patriarchal #NuclearFamily
#relationshipanarchy #familyabolition #nuclearfamily #newword #buildingvocabulary #relationships #romance
I've been slowly cobbling together a reading list of family abolition stuff that looks interesting. Here's the list so far if you want to take a look. Nothing too surprising because I'm not too deep into my reading. Happy to take suggestions. #familyabolition #theory
in my video that releases today, I discuss Jennette McCurdy's memoir I'm Glad My Mom Died
discussing topics of:
and the importance of telling your story
#CelebrityWorship #intergenerationaltrauma #youthliberation #DisabilityJustice #familyabolition
in the upcoming video i discuss celebrity worship, critiques of the mental health system, #familyabolition, #youthliberation, and #disabilityjustice
#familyabolition #youthliberation #DisabilityJustice
hello world! i'm come together counseling - a 🌟radical🌟 therapy practice operating virtually in the US state of PA
i made this account to:
- build relationships with others in the radical mental health/community care world
- share my thoughts
- learn and collaborate
things i stand for:
- bodily autonomy in all its forms
- #youthliberation
- #bodyjustice
- #queerliberation
- #familyabolition
- #policeabolition and #prisonabolition
- total debt forgiveness
#introductions #youthliberation #bodyjustice #queerliberation #familyabolition #policeabolition #prisonabolition
The other thread I most needed to hook over was on motherlessness, #bereavement and #FamilyAbolition. It started as a read-through of Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman, but I tacked other stuff onto it later, and am sure I will need to add more on this topic here in future. COVID led to more people talking about bereaved children, usually in an extremely aggravating 'this has never happened before' way, but sometimes in a more relevant way. https://twitter.com/s3thene/status/1447252096374525954
The other thread I most needed to hook over was on motherlessness, #bereavement and #FamilyAbolition, which is mostly just a read-through of Motherless Daughters by Hope Edelman, but got other stuff tacked on to it later. I am sure I will need to add more to it here in future. COVID led to more people talking about bereaved children, usually in an extremely aggravating 'this has never happened before' way. https://twitter.com/s3thene/status/1447252096374525954
Some forthcoming 2023 books I’m eager to read:
Jon Fosse, #Septology (I-VII)
Juliet Mitchell, #Fratriarchy
@genderhorizon, #FamilyAbolition: Capitalism and the Communizing of Care
#septology #fratriarchy #familyabolition #literaryfiction #psychoanalysis #communism #abolition