Do you know some wee ones being added to a #BikeFamily ? Here are some #DIY #stencil ideas for onesies.
#bikefamily #diy #stencil #BikeTooter #cargobike #familybiking #kidbike
Come on mom and dad, let's roll.
#BikeTooter #cargobike #familybiking #kidbike
The beauty of biking for transportation is the ability to turn chores into memories.
Daycare drop off.
#BikeTooter #familybiking #parenting #bakfiets #cargobike
After all the steps it took to get the child ready for daycare commute, I forgot my own helmet.
#familybiking #winterbiking #cargobike #BikeTooter #Photomonday #ThrowbackMonday
#familybiking #winterbiking #cargobike #BikeTooter #Photomonday #throwbackmonday
When I had kids, I thought I might need to wear my car to carry my kids around town in the winter. I experimented to find out if I could winter bike commute with kids.
#familybiking #bikecommuting #BikeTooter #WinterBike
@mastobikes @Hungeybear cargo biking is great, also swapping some cycling with running— higher intensity workout in less time. #cargobiking #familybiking