@MaddieM My guess: There just aren't many of us #childwelfare #familydefense types here yet. Also the Mastodon search function sometimes seems limited to your own server instead of searching the entire "federation." Meanwhile I'll keep using hashtags like these and also #fostercare #childabuse #familypreservation
#childwelfare #familydefense #fostercare #childabuse #familypreservation
Attempting to find other family defense attorneys on a site full of software devs is an unexpectedly (but perhaps foreseeably) challenging endeavor.
Also I think I'm just...inventing hashtags. That no one else will ever search or use. And are therefore completely useless. Alas.
#Law #Dependencylaw #Lawtwitter #PublicDefense #FamilyDefense #ChildWelfare
#childwelfare #familydefense #publicdefense #lawtwitter #dependencylaw #law