TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
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Also, since my finals are done, I want to go over what my next article will be:

The Family Education Trust (FET), formerly known as Family and Youth Concern, formerly known as The Responsible Society (which was formed 1971).

A brief overview of these bastards: they've spent the last 5 decades campaigning against minors being able to access contraception, sex-ed in schools (which promotes amorality and homosexuality, obviously), and gay marriage. More recently drag shows, bans on conversion therapy (See @healthliberationnow and their article A New Era), and trans rights in general.

I thought the article wouldn't be that much work, but then the 5 decades bit comes in, so it's taking longer than expected to comb through the sources lol.

I learned about them since Genspect loves partnering with these bastards, and one of SEGM's advisors is a member.

This shouldn't be too surprising. Their tactics are remarkably similar. They've been calling societal acceptance of LGBT people an "ideology" spread by sex education, communists, and secular humanists for decades. These people literally tried to stop Gillick Competence from being passed in the first place (the law which allows those under 16 in the UK to access contraception/make their own medical decisions, and which Genspect and other transphobic orgs now oppose). They object to children being taught that gay people exist and it's ok to be gay (they now argue the same about trans people).

Like Genspect, the FET has ties to many Evangelical organizations spewing the same line, but they've historically tried to present themselves as merely concerned researchers and scientists approaching the issue secularly.

I can't wait to finish and drop the article, though the mainstream media has largely ignored their more recent anti-trans campaigning. Their name changes have also served to help sanitize their public image, so the article will cover all their actions, not just since the name change. I'll be sure to let y'all know when I publish.

#familyeducationtrust #Genspect #segm #societyforevidencebasedgendermedicine #transphobia #antitrans #antichoice #antisexed #sexeducation #homophobia #antilgbt #gillick

Last updated 2 years ago