On this day in history - 23 June 1886 - Thomas Coop died at New Gisborne, Victoria, Australia, age 70. Thomas emigrated to Australia from England in 1853. He lived in New Zealand (Otago) for a while before returning to Australia. Thomas has many descendants in New Zealand. The picture below is a family history snapshot of Thomas Coop. #FamilyHistorySnapshot #OnThisDayInHistory
#familyhistorysnapshot #onthisdayinhistory
On this day (2 December) 1918, Ellen HINDLE died, age 56, in Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand #FamilyHistorySnapshot #OnThisDay #OTD #HindleSurname #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #Geneadons
#familyhistorysnapshot #onthisday #otd #hindlesurname #genealogy #familyhistory #Geneadons
On this day in history (29 November 1875) my 2nd Great Grandparents Alfred Lovedin Farebrother and Mary Ann Pond married at St James in Westminster, London, England.
#FarebrotherSurname #PondSurname #London #Genealogy #FamilyHistorySnapshot #FamilyHistory
#farebrothersurname #pondsurname #london #genealogy #familyhistorysnapshot #familyhistory
On this day (21 November) in 1863 my husband's 2nd Great Grandfather William George Chapman married his second wife Jane Musson at St John's Church, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [His first wife, Tamar Waldron, my husband's 2nd great grandmother, had died in the June of the preceding year].
[Credit for this idea to Barbara from @2heritagehunters ]
#genealogy #chapmansurname #mussonsurname #familyhistorysnapshot