PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1802 followers · 24408 posts · Server

In in early the 1990s.

Shortly after my 4th Uncle(Dad's little brother) & Aunt bought a small store & built their family home beside it. They've since retired & sold the store. They still live in Port Alberni.

Pictured from left to right:
My Mom, big Auntie Chan, 4th Auntie Louise & Uncle Minh

#vancouverisland #portalberni #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #familymemories #poc #myfamily #chinesecanadian #familyhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Lauren R · @LoveLikeElena
2 followers · 106 posts · Server

I'm watching the game show network with Kate. It's bringing back awesome memories from my childhood of watching Jeopardy and WHeel of FOrtune with Mom0Mom and Pop-Pop!


Last updated 1 year ago

Peri · @Peri_Jnet
662 followers · 3927 posts · Server

When my RAF father was posted to Singapore in the 50s, he bought a cine-camera & recorded our idyllic childhood, then oyr voyage back to England in a troop ship, through the Suez Canal with a brief stop in Aden.

Then through the 60s he followed us around London, Yorkshire, Wales & Cornwall, recording sulky, awkward teens.

In the 70s, bringing us to Australia, he captured the planting of the letterbox in front of our brand new house, family gatherings by the pool, weddings & the arrival of grandchildren.

In the 80s he had the contents of these silent movies transferred to DVD & added some voiceover.

In the 90s I bought a Handycam, carrying on the family tradition & I filmed my own children growing up & our travels.

Now, in 2023 my son is going to transfer all the family DVDs, assorted discs of some of my TV interviews & my Handycam mini-discs onto USBs.

It seems incredible that the images of my past have been preserved throughout so many changes in technology.


Last updated 2 years ago

Shane Battye · @shanebattye
195 followers · 307 posts · Server

Thinking about the time my managed to accidentally slip an airport parking ticket down the gap between the gear shifter and cup holders, into the belly of our family car. Then went into to retrieve it, tearing the center console apart with his subsequently lacerated and grease laden bare hands 🙌

To the gods of overpriced airport parking penalty fees he declared, “Not today!”

#dad #hulkmode #dadlife #familymemories

Last updated 2 years ago