Smithers unattached patient clinic expands services - #Smithers Interior News “Since adding the capacity to take appointments for patients without a family physician, the clinic has attached 320 patients to a #NursePractitioner (NP) primary care provider and provided more than 600 patient visits according to a #NorthernHealth press release.
“We are listening to people in B.C., and that is why we are creating clinics with nurse practitioners and #FamilyPhysicians”
#smithers #NursePractitioner #northernhealth #familyphysicians
Global News BC: Thousands sign up for B.C.’s new doctor pay model, but many others still on the fence #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FamilyPhysicians #doctorpaymodel #FamilyPractice #FamilyDoctors #DoctorsOfBC #newpaymodel #BCpolitics #AnnaWolak #BCDoctors #Doctors #Health #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #familyphysicians #doctorpaymodel #FamilyPractice #familydoctors #DoctorsofBC #newpaymodel #BCpolitics #annawolak #bcdoctors #doctors #health #bcndp
AMP has just published!
"AnsT-19: Development and Validation of a Scale to Access the Anxiety of Family Physicians during Teleconsultation"
Full paper available here:
#anxiety #familyphysicians #Portugal #remoteconsultation #surveysandquestionnaires
#anxiety #familyphysicians #portugal #remoteconsultation #surveysandquestionnaires
Evidence showing “eat less and do more” superficial advice doesn’t work for weight loss.
We need actionable “how to” advices.
#weightmanagement #obesity #FamilyPhysicians #primarycareresearch
#weightmanagement #obesity #familyphysicians #primarycareresearch
Dear #FamilyPhysicians / #GeneralPractitioners /#PrimaryCare physicians and other people from #MedMastodon and #ScienceMastodon, I'd like you to know I made a list of references about #PrimaryCareResearch
#familyphysicians #generalpractitioners #MedMastodon #sciencemastodon #primarycareresearch
Just wanted to take a moment to shout out some of the under-appreciated specialities, specifically #Pediatricians and #FamilyPhysicians: what you guys do is amazing, under-respected and underpaid. I would add anesthesiologists but I don’t want to be accused of #toot ing my own horn (💉 💊 :POCUS: :crystalloid: :spine:)
#pediatricians #familyphysicians #toot
Our family physician ordered the CT scan that led to a diagnosis of Jay’s #PancreaticCancer at an early stage (2b)! The Doc didn’t know it, but J’s family cancer history, his ashkenazi Jewish heritage on his mum’s side, & his upper belly ache, were just the sorts of variables that SHOULD have led to imaging. #FamilyPhysicians are seen 1st, & need to be educated on the symptoms of #PANCREASCANCER, as well as other factors that increase risk. Early diagnosis = improved outcomes.
#pancreaticcancer #familyphysicians #pancreascancer