#Spettacoli #UltimeNotizie #antonelloronga #familyshow All’Arena del Cinema Teatro Charlot di scena il 6 luglio il family show ‘Pinocchio, ragazzo fortunato’ di e con Antonello Ronga https://www.cronachedellacampania.it/2023/07/allarena-del-cinema-teatro-charlot-di-scena-il-6-luglio-il-family-show-pinocchio-ragazzo-fortunato-di-e-con-antonello-ronga/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#spettacoli #Ultimenotizie #antonelloronga #familyshow
RT @SponProdsTC
There are just three days to go before #tickets go on sale for our first #familyshow of the year! #ALADDIN and his #magicflyingcarpet flies into #SydenhamCentre from Sat 4 March - two shows every Sat & Sun, 3pm & 4.30pm until 26 March. Suitable for all! https://spontaneousproductions.co.uk/events/aladdin-from-saturday-4-march-2023/
#tickets #familyshow #aladdin #magicflyingcarpet #sydenhamcentre
@juneshannon ah thanks you. And accompanied on the organ by their brother. They sang this at a funeral for their great great aunt. #familyshow