apiecha · @apiecha
51 followers · 768 posts · Server muenster.im
iamBullivant · @bullivant
778 followers · 5333 posts · Server mastodon.ie

On the 9 September 1845 the Dublin Evening Post officially reported that the Potato Blight had arrived in Ireland. The disease had previously been reported in Belgium, but this was the first time that it had been spotted in Ireland. It is thought that the first outbreak of Blight may have occurred in Waterford, though there is no concrete proof that it had not previously been unreported elsewhere.

#ireland #irishhistory #angortamor #famine #potatoblight #waterford #belgium #onthisday

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
6064 followers · 6082 posts · Server journa.host

Did you know that , a country where a warning looms large, usually gets almost all of its grain from - blockaded in by 's fleet? Are there feasible alternative routes?

The actual was "relegated to a footnote” - with @krassitwigg unpicks for you the stakes and the narratives around this week’s - meeting in Sochi

#somalia #famine #ukraine #russia #blacksea #graindeal #theglobaljigsaw #podcast #Erdogan #putin #PodcastRecommendations

Last updated 1 year ago

settima · @12pt9
218 followers · 1618 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

> Past. Presence. And future.

, 7, আকালের সন্ধানে [Akaler Sandhane / In Search of ] (Mrinal Sen, 1982) is the . @film ★★★★☆

#onthisdate #september #famine #filmdujour #mrinalsen #india #drama #docudrama #1980s #film #cinema #cinemastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

v_chaud · @ZeroHour
45 followers · 1048 posts · Server mstdn.social
· @NaturalNews
6221 followers · 31979 posts · Server brighteon.social
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1860 followers · 3949 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History August 22, 1917: Italian police opened fire on protesters against the hunger caused by World War I. Most of the protesters were women. The next day, workers declared a General Strike. On the 24th, a state of siege was declared, but the strike continued until the 26th. Police violence during the strike resulted in the deaths of 60 people.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #italy #worldwar1 #massacre #hunger #famine #protest #generalstrike #women #police #policemurder #policebrutality

Last updated 1 year ago

apiecha · @apiecha
50 followers · 726 posts · Server muenster.im
maiamaia · @maiamaia
199 followers · 15795 posts · Server mastdn.social

"At least 1,400 people have starved to death in 's northern since food aid was suspended because it was being stolen. The 's World Food Programme (WFP) and the US's leading aid agency halted food aid to Tigray about four months ago"
"independent donor group found a "co-ordinated and criminal scheme" apparently orchestrated by federal and regional government entities, with military units across the country benefiting"

#ethiopia #tigray #un #humanrights #famine #war

Last updated 1 year ago

Health Ranger · @HealthRanger
12347 followers · 8168 posts · Server brighteon.social

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 16, 2023 - Lawless Democrats waging SCORCHED EARTH campaign against America and its people

- Governor of declares LAND GRAB to seize real estate after residents were burned alive
- The new government tyranny: BURN your town, MURDER your children then SEIZE your land
- Water supply was turned OFF to prevent homeowners from fighting the fires
- Fire department was called off to ensure maximum fire damage
- Roads were blocked to prevent residents from escaping
- Lawless indictment of is an insult to the rule of law
- Full interview with David DuByne of Adapt2030
- Analysis of accelerating crop failures caused by
- Prepare for to worsen in 2024 as global yields falter
- Carry-over supplies have reached ZERO (no buffer of wheat in the grain silos)


#hawaii #Lahaina #Trump #Geoengineering #famine #crop #wheat

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
5691 followers · 5575 posts · Server journa.host

UN International Organization for Migration says more than a million people have fled from since war broke out between rival military factions in April. It added that more than 3.4 million were internally . A joint stmt from 20 intnl agencies warned that millions are on the verge of . They said 14 million children needed aid. and have been plagued by clashes between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces ( ).

#sudan #displaced #famine #humanitarian #darfur #khartoum #rsf

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew Thompson · @greenaspen
730 followers · 6666 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

The world is likely to face major disruption to food supplies well before temperatures rise by the 1.5C target, the president of the UN’s desertification conference has warned.


#famine #farming #water #drought #agriculture #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Health Ranger · @HealthRanger
12339 followers · 8160 posts · Server brighteon.social

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 11, 2023 - Bioweapons whistleblower Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA for ASSASSINATION

- Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA after speaking out about vaccine bioweapons
- We are urging Karen to get out of Mexico because it's too dangerous there
- It's much safer to go off grid into safe house environments in the USA
- The DoD and CIA are not legally allowed to operate inside the USA, but they DO operate in Mexico
- Remember, started as a DoD bioweapon that was later ENHANCED in Wuhan, China
- Food sabotage continues worldwide as grain elevators in France are set on fire
- Global is the goal, along with global via
- Full Interview with Dick Russell, author of several books on the assassination
- America has been "captured" by the ever since


#COVID #famine #depopulation #bioweapons #jfk #DeepState

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1412 followers · 99212 posts · Server mstdn.social

If anyone wants to know why people don't really like the , you've to look into history and how they basically gaslit those suffering the of the late 1840s.

#famine #UK #irish

Last updated 1 year ago

Health Ranger · @HealthRanger
12331 followers · 8155 posts · Server brighteon.social

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 9, 2023 - Americans are being impoverished, poisoned, exterminated and REPLACED

- Grain storage facility in Turkey EXPLODES in latest disaster contributing to world
- Democrats want to slap a 1000% TAX on all purchases of
- Photos of ARMED illegal invaders crossing into with battle rifles
- NYC Mayor Eric Adams wants to build a "tent city" to house THOUSANDS of illegals
- These are the Forward Operating Bases (FOB) of the INVASION of America
- Illegal aliens are allowed to pour into the USA as a LABOR source for the military industrial complex
- Moody's downgrades TEN banks as U.S. economy falters
- A cascading collapse of the western financial system is inevitable
- Anyone left holding in the will be wiped out


#famine #guns #texas #migrant #dollars #banks

Last updated 1 year ago

Health Ranger · @HealthRanger
12326 followers · 8148 posts · Server brighteon.social

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023 - Demonic globalists go CRAZY trying to suppress these 14 POWERFUL TRUTHS (that will set you free)

- Anything the satanic globalists don't want you to know, they label it "disinformation"
- The TRUTH will destroy their control over humanity and set you free
- Key technologies have been deliberately withheld from humanity
- in food, energy, medicine and wealth is ENGINEERED to keep people enslaved
- God and Mother Nature have already created all the the world could ever need
- The higher the in the atmosphere, the MORE food grows around the world, ending hunger
- sequestration is a operation to induce global
- You exist as a reflection of the power of God, and through voice + intention, you can "program" the cosmos in your favor


#scarcity #naturalmedicine #co2 #carbon #terraforming #famine

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1381 followers · 97074 posts · Server mstdn.social

@housepanther @Radical_EgoCom @TomSwirly

Now you may point at which had significant and with the post-Soviet collapse, but aside from a basically brainwashed populace that is paranoid af and kept in line with the threat of public executions at the slightest discontent, was mostly used as a sucerene Province for either the Mongols, China, Japan or the "P.R.C." & USSR...

So basically noone remembers that it was different or they STFU to survive.

#korea #deindustralization #famine #northkorea

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
338 followers · 572 posts · Server climatejustice.social

@bike4climate @kevinrns

Yeah, I've been using that term delayists for going on 5 years now, not just because of tactic but because it's a larger group than the denialists. Every time I hear paced goals to some future year (usually conveniently beyond the current term of office for whoever is saying it), I see delayism.

They are saying don't judge me for what I'm doing now, love me for what I'm NOT forcing you to do. Hate someone else for truth-telling later, and PLEASE don't study up enough to know that when it's ten times worse later than it needed to be, it's because of MY delay.

Biden is in this set. So are many Dems. They pick and choose, happy to like solar panels but still OK with new drilling, fracking, or natural gas. They won't go near the perils of consumerism or degrowth. They still insist on growing manufacturing. They aren't talking about real and imminent perils of drought and famine due to failed grain crops or loss of fish stocks due to heat. These will hit us suddenly with much talk of how surprised they are and who could have known?

We need to be a society that sees this coming, not one that is blind-sided or all the science was a waste. (netsettlement.blogspot.com/202)

They're proud they're in there instead of Republicans, and indeed the damage is less bad with them there, but they still daily risk "game over" scenarios by telling people that moving at a moderate pace is enough.

Physics does not grade on the curve and humanity will not survive merely by doing better than the worst case. There are realities we must embrace that do not get better, but probably-nonlinearly worse, by delay.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The denialists (or delayists, I now call them because centrists and denialists both align in wanting very dangerous delays) are very scientific about one thing: their messaging. What stands between us and better action right now is not better science but better messaging."

--me at bird site (29 dec 2018, in reference to my distaste for using °C as the label in messaging, since I think numbers like 0.5°C or even 2°C scare no one, and people need a bit of fear/urgency. Mann, disagreed, and blocked me, saying the messaging was fine, but that the disinformation was too well funded. I continue to believe he was and is wrong on that.)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I've been [calling] both denialists and centrists 'delayists' to emphasize that It's the effect that matters, not the motive. There is no time left for delay."

--me at bird site (03 jan 2019)


#climate #ClimateDenial #Centrism #degrowth #capitalism #consumerism #famine #drought #fracking #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #environment #science

Last updated 1 year ago

Health Ranger · @HealthRanger
12294 followers · 8127 posts · Server brighteon.social
OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
123 followers · 954 posts · Server kolektiva.social