Speaking of #fandom i have a LOT of them, and they change frequently... right now im a little obsessed with #goodomens and rewatching #doctorwho from my teenhood(which is wild) might get back into #supernatural since im kinda going through a nostalgia trip rn
recently also got into #transformers especcially #mtmte and am watching #transformersearthspark as it releases
#homestuck is my formative media so that will never leave me
occasionally watch #anime like #trigun #TRIGUNSTAMPEDE ...
#fandom #goodomens #doctorwho #supernatural #transformers #mtmte #TransformersEarthspark #homestuck #anime #trigun #trigunstampede
I don't understand why sports journalists and fans haven't made it over to Mastodon. It seems like being able to follow hashtags like your team's battle cry would make it a viable platform. #sports #nfl #ncaaf #football #journalism #fandom
#sports #nfl #ncaaf #football #journalism #fandom
Taking a Look at the Silent Hill section of AO3 is...an experience. So much smut. So MUCH violent smut...
#silenthill #ao3 #fanfic #fanfiction #fandom
Hey Mastodon! We're officially choosing to fork away from #Fandom for a variety of reasons, including excessive #advertising, a bloated platform, the #Grimace / #McDonaldsWiki controversy, and general dissatisfaction with the UI, UX, and DevEx of Fandom's platform.
A follow-up vote **will be made** to decide on where we will go.
:boost_ok: Boosts are greatly appreciated; we do not have a lot of publicity, so we rely on the community for spreading the word.
#fandom #advertising #grimace #mcdonaldswiki
Kotaku: Our Fave Cosplay From Fan Expo Canada https://kotaku.com/fan-expo-canada-2023-cosplay-roundup-one-piece-anime-1850814303 #gaming #tech #kotaku #angelsinneongenesisevangelion #neongenesisevangelion #japaneseyouthculture #monsterhunterbella #foxfalcolombardi #costumedesign #laurabailey #boahancock #evangelion #chrisevans #poisonivy #goodomens #dccomics #cosplay #kyloren #batman #jester #fandom #otaku #falco #kaiju #jack #lucy #ren #aku
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #angelsinneongenesisevangelion #neongenesisevangelion #japaneseyouthculture #monsterhunterbella #foxfalcolombardi #costumedesign #laurabailey #boahancock #evangelion #ChrisEvans #poisonivy #goodomens #dccomics #cosplay #kyloren #batman #jester #fandom #otaku #falco #kaiju #jack #lucy #ren #aku
Final day of CoKoCon! Drop by and see us!
#VendorLife #ShopHandmade #ShopLocal #Fandom #conventions #jewelry
#vendorlife #shophandmade #shoplocal #fandom #conventions #jewelry
Ich kann solche krankhaften Ausartungen von #Fandom absolut nicht verstehen. Ich kann mich durchaus als Fan von verschiedenen Menschen, Genres und Franchises bezeichnen. Sehe aber kein Sinn darin, jetzt deswegen massenhaft Fanartikel zu kaufen und käme schon gar nicht auf die Idee, deswegen diese verehrten Menschen zu stalken und mich dann bei einer Abweisung gekränkt zu fühlen.
CoKoCon, local SF convention in Tempe, AZ, got cut short for us when Hilde didn't feel well. Brought her home Saturday afternoon.
Day-tripped back out today to catch some panels while Tabbi did caregiving duty for Hilde at home. Think it's been the first time attending a convention without Hilde since 1998.
#fandom #cokocon #conventions #sciencefiction #fantasy
Day 3 of CoKoCon starting in a few hours! Hope to see you there!
#ShopHandmade #ShopLocal #Fandom #Phoenix #Tempe #ConventionFandom #VendorLife
#shophandmade #shoplocal #fandom #phoenix #tempe #conventionfandom #vendorlife
In January this year, I decided to start keeping tabs on how much fic I read in a month. I don't think I have shared those posts and/or numbers here, so here goes:
August fic reading stats: approx total of 752K words. (Not as good as July's 1mil 19K but still a good number.)
I also posted some of last month's most interesting/ compelling/ fun/ painful/ enjoyable works I read:
#reading #fanfic #fanfiction #fanworkrec #fandom #cql #theuntamed
#reading #fanfic #fanfiction #fanworkrec #fandom #cql #theuntamed
I've been seeing an increase lately in people struggling to make #fandom connections here in the fediverse, so I thought I'd bring back the #FandomFriendingMeme. I found it really helpful for connecting with people here who share my interests, and I hope another round will do the same!
⭐ Template
Favourite fandom type(s) (ie. anime, comics, tv shows, etc):
Favourite themes and tropes:
Shipping, gen, and/or other?:
Do you create fanworks?:
Are you comfortable with NSFW?:
Anything else?:
»Mapa fandomu«
Związek Stowarzyszeń "Fandom Polski" informuje o nowej inicjatywie - powstała "mapa fandomu", katalogująca polskie inicjatywy fanowskie.
#fahrenheit_zin #fandom #mapafandomu
I'm looking for prompt lists/memes for a prompt post and I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/xqufs3/asking_for_prompts_on_ao3_a_guide_to_not_getting/ and while I get the use of this, the first sentence has me like ???
I've been on ao3 since 2010 or sth and this never happened to me ever 😭 is that bc of my fandoms or bc I filter out Gen/T??? #fanfiction #ao3 #fandom
Shipping can be a way to imagine things we’d actually want to happen (in canon or to ourselves). Shipping can also be an enjoyable way to explore other possibilities, no matter how unrealistic they might be. Both approaches are fine and everyone can ship however and whatever they want.
Read “You Are Not Shipping the Way I’m Shipping and That’s Okay” on Pillowfort / Tumblr.
#Fandom #FandomCulture #Shipping #ShipAndLetShip #FandomDiscourse
#fandom #fandomculture #shipping #shipandletship #fandomdiscourse
»Andrzej Zimniak „Gawędy fandomowe” cz. 10 – Fantastyczne Festiwale Nauki«
Wydawać by się mogło, że pożenienie takiej imprezy popularyzacyjnej ze Stowarzyszeniem Pisarzy Polskich, do którego należałem, i jeszcze z fantastyką, której wszak duszę zaprzedałem – jest przedsięwzięciem na tyle karkołomnym, że całkiem niemożliwym do realizacji. Ale dla fantastów nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych
#Fahrenheit_zin #AndrzejZimniak #fandom #festiwale #GawędyFandomowe
#fahrenheit_zin #andrzejzimniak #fandom #festiwale #gawedyfandomowe
»Fandom, czyli rozmowa – wystawa o fandomie«
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Krakowie oraz Stowarzyszenie Krakowska Sieć Fantastyki i Imladris – Krakowskie Weekendy z Fantastyką zapraszają od 30 sierpnia 2023 roku na wystawę „Fandom, czyli rozmowa”.
#Fahrenheit_zin #fandom #Kraków #Imladris #Fandomczylirozmowa
#fahrenheit_zin #fandom #krakow #imladris #fandomczylirozmowa
Happy Birthday - 2023 Present
do you remember? that time before september? TT_TT
I'm open for commissions
if you wanna contact me, go here for details : https://www.subscribestar.com/posts/364502
#OriginalCharacter #OriginalCharacterArt #OriginalCharacterDrawing #OC #OCsFanArt #OCArt #OCDrawing
#FanArt #FanFiction #Fandom
#DigitalArt #Artwork #Art #Illustration #Drawing #Artist
#Comics #ComicFanArt #ComicFanFiction #ComicArt
#originalcharacter #originalcharacterart #originalcharacterdrawing #oc #ocsfanart #ocart #ocdrawing #happybirthday #fanart #fanfiction #fandom #digitalart #artwork #art #illustration #drawing #artist #comics #comicfanart #comicfanfiction #comicart
Taylor Swift Keeps Getting Swarmed. It’s Got To Stop #2023_08_26 #rolling_stone #ct_jones #subculture #cultural_commentary #fandom #internet_culture #music #reddit #taylor_swift
>> https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-commentary/taylor-swift-swarmed-fandom-1234812867/
#2023_08_26 #rolling_stone #ct_jones #subculture #cultural_commentary #fandom #internet_culture #music #reddit #taylor_swift
Our primary mode of engaging with just about everything in late-stage whatever is #fandom.
Which is kinda terrible because fandoms have this habit of being incredibly toxic.
My thoughts on how to post without spoiling others (repost, previously posted to my other account).
This was written mainly for a platform that doesn’t have a built-in system that lets you hide part of your post with a description of the content, so that others can easily decide if they want to proceed or not. So, on Mastodon, Tumblr, Pillowfort etc. we don’t even need to rely on muting any words, as long as CW or “Read more” are used in the post.
#fandom #fandomculture #netiquette