You can find all my #TwitterReviews for the Nov/Dec 2022 issue of #TheMagazineOfFantasyAndScienceFiction rolled up in my Goodreads review linked below.
#twitterreviews #themagazineoffantasyandsciencefiction #fandsf
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Water Music by Michael A. Gonzales
A young saxophonist hones his chops alongside the Monongahela River and propel him to the jazz clubs of Harlem.
No longer having his river, will he lose his inspiration? A story perhaps based on Sonny Rollins’ musical sabbatical on the Williamsburg Bridge.
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Santa Knows by Jo Miles
“He knows if you’ve been bad or good and he is sharing it with the authorities.”
Big Tech appropriates Santa’s brand to whitewash it’s surveillance of the kids and adults. The Santas of the North Pole strike back!
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Skin of the Beast by Alexandra Flores
Tooth and claw.
Needle and knife.
A wonderfully wicked little tale that starts and ends with a coda.
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
The Shotgun Lucifer by Bennett North
Fugitives in a synesthetic world! Most excellent writing effectively conveys the experience of perceiving sound as light to us blind folk.
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Though the Heavens Fall by Louis Evans
An aged, experienced judge arrives to help two starships navigate the Ultimate Prisoner’s Dilemma.
But judges come to the table with their own life experiences, prejudices, and agenda.
#FandSF #FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
To Carve Home in Your Bones by Aigner Loren Wilson
A horror show of survival; a bizarre and disturbing mashup of Lord of the Flies and Alien.
#FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Crypt Currency by Sara Ellis
An ethical grave robber is given a lucrative, but henky commission. A magical acid test, a motorcycle chase and a creepy megachurch pastor-- what a long, strange trip it is!
#FavoriteStories Nov/Dec 2022
Optimist Cleaver’s Last Transmission by J. C. Hsyu #jchsyu
She moved across an ocean to end a feud, but old feuds die hard.
Knife fights, message delivery, and arranging funerary rites for her mentor makes for a full day for a tired courier.
#fandsf #favoritestories #jchsyu