An #introduction by way of as many hashtags as appropriate: #artist through education, #author who is #writing. #music degree, #bowie fan, #ps5 enthusiast, #fanedits and video editing, #cardgame and #boardgame designer.
All #art, #books, #video, #fanedit, #music, #story and #comics can be found at
I wrote a #novel about the effect of #DavidBowie on a time traveller. Then a #scifi #spaceopera novel about a band of women mercenaries fighting psychic vampires. Then I wrote a novel about either #autism or an android getting certified as human.
Currently writing a #TTRPG for no good reason, other than I have it in my mind ever since the ‘incident’. Watching a lot of #action, #martialart, and #anime as resource. Also building a mass of reference material for a #fantasy novel.
Learning #piano, but no longer #composing. That is all in
Playing a lot of #PS5, finally getting to grips with #CallOfDuty #MW2. Replaying #TheLastOfUs and #Uncharted periodically.
#LastExile #GhostInTheShell #TwinPeaks
The Grand Budapest Hotel by #WesAnderson
Only Lovers Left Alive by #JimJarmusch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by #BenStiller
#FightClub by David Fincher
#Bladerunner 2049 by #DenisVilleniueve
#RaidersoftheLostArk by #StevenSpielberg
Chappie by #NeilBlomkamp
#JohnWick: Parabellum by #ChadStahelski
#Serenity by Joss Whedon
#introduction #artist #author #writing #music #bowie #ps5 #fanedits #cardgame #boardgame #art #books #video #fanedit #story #comics #novel #davidbowie #scifi #spaceopera #autism #ttrpg #action #martialart #anime #fantasy #piano #composing #callofduty #mw2 #thelastofus #uncharted #3tvseries #lastexile #ghostintheshell #twinpeaks #9films #WesAnderson #jimjarmusch #benstiller #fightclub #bladerunner #denisvilleniueve #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #neilblomkamp #johnwick #chadstahelski #serenity
Figured I’d post this here now that I’m on mastodon. This is my first ever video edit but I love how it turned out! Lemme know what y’all think! The song is called “Unwanted”. #ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #edit #fanedit #videoedit
#ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #edit #fanedit #videoedit
#DoctorWho - The Doctor Leaves #Gallifrey
#mrjsmith #fanedit #fanmade #tardis #thedoctor #drwho #Gallifrey #doctorwho
As I was looking for an entry for the #Pentex film edition of Obi-Wan Kenobi #DisneyPlus #StarWars series on #Letterboxd, an idea creeped its way into my mind.
A #HorrorMovue titled #FanEdit about someone who takes a major motion picture and edits it to the applause of the world’s fans. He then becomes the victim of an unknown fan who turns out to be the editor of the original release.
#pentex #disneyplus #starwars #letterboxd #horrormovue #fanedit
#Kenobi: Trials Of The Master- #Fanedit by #PixelJoker95 Trailer #2
#kenobi #fanedit #pixeljoker95 #starwars #theforceisstrongwiththisone
A new #introduction because Mastodon-Time is different from Bird-Time.
By way of as many hashtags as appropriate: #artist through education, #author who is #writing. #music degree, #bowie fan, #ps5 enthusiast, #fanedits and video editing, #cardgame and #boardgame designer.
All #art, #books, #video, #fanedit, #music, #story and #comics can be found at
I wrote a #novel about the effect of #DavidBowie on a time traveller. Then a #scifi #spaceopera novel about a band of women mercenaries fighting psychic vampires. Then I wrote a novel about either #autism or an android getting certified as human. Details found at
Currently writing a #TTRPG for no good reason, other than I have it in my mind ever since the ‘incident’. Watching a lot of #action, #martialart, and #anime as resource. Also building a mass of reference material for a #fantasy novel.
Learning #piano, but no longer #composing. That is all in
Playing a lot of #PS5, finally getting to grips with #CallOfDuty #MW2. Replaying #TheLastOfUs and #Uncharted periodically.
#LastExile #GhostInTheShell #TwinPeaks
The Grand Budapest Hotel by #WesAnderson
Only Lovers Left Alive by #JimJarmusch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller
#FightClub by David Fincher
#Bladerunner 2049 by #DenisVilleniueve
#RaidersoftheLostArk by #StevenSpielberg
Chappie by #NeilBlomkamp
#JohnWick: Parabellum by Chad Stahelski
#Serenity by Joss Whedon
#introduction #artist #author #writing #music #bowie #ps5 #fanedits #cardgame #boardgame #art #books #video #fanedit #story #comics #novel #davidbowie #scifi #spaceopera #autism #ttrpg #action #martialart #anime #fantasy #piano #composing #callofduty #mw2 #thelastofus #uncharted #3tvseries #lastexile #ghostintheshell #twinpeaks #9films #WesAnderson #jimjarmusch #fightclub #bladerunner #denisvilleniueve #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #neilblomkamp #johnwick #serenity
I made a fan-edit for a hypothetical opening credits sequence for the 4th and 5th seasons of SG-1, if they'd redone it to reflect that they'd started using the Antarctic Stargate instead of the Giza one. Mix of 3D renders, clips from the show, and 2D retouching.
#stargate #stargatesg1 #lightwave3d #aftereffects #fanedit
Just gave this a watch. Incredible work.
If you’re a Snowpiercer fan, give this a whirl next time you want to watch it.
#fanedit #snowpiercer
Just gave this a watch. Incredible work.
If you’re a Snowpiercer fan, give this a whirl next time you want to watch it.
#fanedit #snowpiercer
In 2010 a bunch of filmmakers, annoyed by an upcoming remake of 1984's "Footloose," decided to crowd-produce their own satirical remake of the film instead. "Our Footloose Remake" was the result, a parody made by 54 different filmmakers spoofing the original scene by scene.
It dropped off the live Internet in 2018, but I found the file in my old downloads and decided to make it available again. Download and more info:
(Warning: way more NSFW than the original, and contains a brief appearance by someone later revealed to be a crappy human.)
#Footloose #FanFilm #FanEdit #FanRemake #OurFootlooseRemake #Parody #Satire #Channel101 #FilmStodon
#Filmstodon #channel101 #satire #parody #ourfootlooseremake #fanremake #fanedit #fanfilm #footloose
What has certainly improved is the new ending; along with some video-editing devilry and the snipping of some minutes off the end, this fanedit moved the unexplained screaming man at the start of the movie, to the end of the movie where he now have a reason to be screaming.
Watched a #fanedit of #EventHorizon by Mollo - now tilted "Killer Horizon". Mollo had removed some scenes and dialogues that he deemed unnecessary to the plot; and then added new suitable horror scenes from other horror movies to heighten the scares. I find the new scenes hits and misses, and the removal of original scenes wholly unnecessary itself, resulting in the movie now having jarring transitions.
there it is. 👏
thank you insomnicsy for the best fan edits any fandom could ever ask for. 🫰
and happy 6th anniversary dreamcatcher! 🎈🎉
Dreamcatcher (드림캐쳐) - Road to Fame (6th Anniversary Video/6주년 영상)
#dreamcatcher #happy_dreamcatcher_day #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop
#dreamcatcher #happy_dreamcatcher_day #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop
there it is. 👏
thank you insomnicsy for the best fanedits any fandom can ask for. 🫰
and happy 6th anniversary dreamcatcher! 🎈🎉
Dreamcatcher (드림캐쳐) - Road to Fame (6th Anniversary Video/6주년 영상)
#dreamcatcher #happy_dreamcatcher_day #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop
#dreamcatcher #happy_dreamcatcher_day #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop
6 hours to go. 😊
insomnicsy teasing a new anniversary special. 👏
[TEASER/티저] Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) - Road to Fame (6th Anniversary Video/6주년 영상)
#dreamcatcher #deukae #anniversary #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop
#dreamcatcher #deukae #anniversary #insomnicsy #fanedit #kpop