Pics of some of the cool lego dioramas and MOCs from FanExpo Toronto.#FanExpo #FanExpoCanada2023
Some of my favorite pics from from FanExpo Toronto! #FanExpo #fanexpocanada2023
Pictures from #FanExpoCanada2023 are finally UP on the website! Sorry but Friday was the only day I could attend.
Some pics of my Spider-Man 2099 arm spikes. They turned out to be a little hard to keep on despite all the magnets I was using. But I got a few good pictures with them and I learned a LOT about what NOT to do so still pleased overall. #cosplay #SpiderMan2099 #FanExpoCanada2023
#cosplay #spiderman2099 #fanexpocanada2023
Last #cosplay photo for #FanExpoCanada2023 Took over 900 photos with some videos.
Still dark as I head to Toronto for #FANEXPOCANADA2023 today. At least the rain held to a fine mist. So far so good 2 weeks after my surgery.