I present, a PSA from the Commander of the Titan to her respective captain. 😂 This video was probably one of the hardest I’ve ever made because it was so difficult to record in the noisy food court. 😭

#startrek #startrekpicard #startrekmemes #startrekpicardseason3 #captainshaw #commanderseven #commandersevenofnine #sevenofnine #sevenofninecosplay #fanexpovancouver #fanexpovancouver2023 #fanexpo

Last updated 2 years ago

I caught a little surprise in one of my cosplay pics.


Last updated 2 years ago

What are the chances there's a building named after your captain across the street from the convention?! I don't think Seven was very thrilled to see her captain’s building, but I'm thrilled for the new episode of Picard tonight!

#sevenofnine #sevenofninecosplay #startrekpicard #startrekpicardseason3 #startrekcosplay #fanexpovancouver #fanexpovancouver2023 #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

What are the chances there's a building named after your captain across the street from the convention?! I don't think Seven was very thrilled to see her captain’s building, but I'm thrilled for the new episode of Picard tonight!

#sevenofnine #sevenofninecosplay #startrekpicard #startrekpicardseason3 #startrekcosplay #fanexpovancouver #fanexpovancouver2023 #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy Birthday @JeriLRyan ! Today seems like the perfect opportunity to post a clip of my Seven cosplay on the Cosplay red carpet from the weekend. Shoutout to my cool friend for recording (can you hear her supporting me? 😂)

#sevenraffispinoff #jeriryansevenraffispinoff #JeriRyan #sevenofninecosplay #sevenofninecosplayer #startrek #fanexpovancouver #fanexpovancouver2023 #fanexpo #fanexpovan

Last updated 2 years ago

Great way to kick off the weekend for day one! More photos to come once my friends send them to me. I tried to tag everyone but if I missed anyone add them in the comments.

#fanexpovancouver #fanexpovancouver2023 #Vancouver #vancouvercosplayer #cosplayvancouver #canada #supergirlcw #cwsupergirl #Arrowverse #supergirlcosplay

Last updated 2 years ago

I finally finished my Lineup!!! It feels unreal that tomorrow is the first day of the con.

I’ll be there on:
Saturday as
Sunday as Re-Assimiated (PIC S2)
Monday as !

Make sure to check out my other post to give me question ideas for the TNG & SNW cast! (Sadly I’ll be missing panel due to a work commitment)

#fanexpovancouver2023 #cosplay #supergirl #sevenofnine #commandersevenofnine #theflash

Last updated 2 years ago

I finally finished my Lineup!!! It feels unreal that tomorrow is the first day of the con.

I’ll be there on:
Saturday as
Sunday as Re-Assimiated (PIC S2)
Monday as !

Make sure to check out my other post to give me question ideas for the TNG & SNW cast! (Sadly I’ll be missing panel due to a work commitment)

#fanexpovancouver2023 #cosplay #supergirl #sevenofnine #commandersevenofnine #theflash

Last updated 2 years ago