He echado una manita a esta buena gente. https://youtu.be/unOryH8hTAg?si=MCoOPrWhKbsbz6ne #StarWars #fanfilm
@SnepperStepper @georgetakei So, kinda something like that?
#StarTrek #fanfilm 🖖🤩
#peoplehavethepower #startrek #fanfilm
Spider-Man: Lotus está a punto de estrenarse, si bien tuvo bastante la polémica no está de más ver que onda, hay mucha más gente involucrada en el proyecto: https://youtu.be/mBrUx6M6R7U
#spiderman #fanfilm #movie #movies
The adventures of Obi-wan Caesar and the unburnt man:
#fallout #fanfilm #midjourney #falloutlanius
Great #StarTrek #Fanfilm to support #SaveStarTrekProdigy 😍
#savestartrekprodigy #fanfilm #startrek
It's a bit hard to tell the story here, but it seems to be a #multiverse in danger story. The interesting part of that is that it seems to involve every Sonic thing. From game univs, to Archie, SATAM, the goofy #cartoon, all kinds of things.
#SonicVillains #VideoGames
#sonic #fanfilm #multiverse #cartoon #sonicvillains #videogames
Monster Movie pubblica un fan film di A Monster Calls dal titolo A Monster Birth, rendendo omaggio sia al film del 2016 che al romanzo originale.
Vi invitiamo a dargli un'occhiata!
Update on our newest project.
#FarragutForward #kaoticastudios #StarTrek #FanFilm
#farragutforward #kaoticastudios #startrek #fanfilm
Last weekend, filming resumed on #FarragutForward, our Star Trek fan production in partnership with Farragut Films! Enjoy these “first-looks” from the shoot and thanks to our cast and crew for all their hard work!
Farragut Forward is STILL FUNDING!
Support one of the most ambitious Star Trek fan productions,,, EVER!!!
#kaoticastudios #farragutfilms #nowfunding Starship Farragut / Farragut Forward #startek #fanfilm
#farragutforward #kaoticastudios #farragutfilms #nowfunding #startek #fanfilm
In 2010 a bunch of filmmakers, annoyed by an upcoming remake of 1984's "Footloose," decided to crowd-produce their own satirical remake of the film instead. "Our Footloose Remake" was the result, a parody made by 54 different filmmakers spoofing the original scene by scene.
It dropped off the live Internet in 2018, but I found the file in my old downloads and decided to make it available again. Download and more info: https://archive.org/details/our-footloose-remake
(Warning: way more NSFW than the original, and contains a brief appearance by someone later revealed to be a crappy human.)
#Footloose #FanFilm #FanEdit #FanRemake #OurFootlooseRemake #Parody #Satire #Channel101 #FilmStodon
#Filmstodon #channel101 #satire #parody #ourfootlooseremake #fanremake #fanedit #fanfilm #footloose
Here are some screen-caps from last weekend’s filming of #FarragutForward, our movie-era Star Trek fan production in partnership with Kaotica Studios. Enjoy these “first-look” shots and thanks to our cast and crew for all their hard work!
Farragut Forward is STILL FUNDING on Indiegogo!
🎬 https://bit.ly/3WvaLe0
Help support one of the most ambitious Star Trek fan productions of all time!
#farragutforward #kaoticastudios #farragutfilms #startek #fanfilm
Lange, lange ist der Erstkontakt mit #RaumschiffHighlander her. Jetzt haben die Kollegen von @treknews@twitter.com den Fan-Film-Klassiker mittels KI-Upscaling als HD-Remaster veröffentlicht.
#raumschiffhighlander #startrek #fanfilm
My friends have been busy! We've been making a #StarTrek #FanFilm for the last few years (Intrepid: Echoes). Shooting wrapped a couple of months ago and #TrekZone has a behind the scenes video.
Contains rather a lot of me, I'm afraid. I even get my own caption!
#Bladerunner-Fans möchte ich diesen extrem gut produzierten #Fanfilm vorstellen. #SliceOfLife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eDQ2SSsmEk
#bladerunner #fanfilm #sliceoflife
According to wikipedia, there were 3 unfinished episodes of Star Trek New Voyages in post production in 2016 when the Paramount decision rendered them illegal.
3 episodes that people poured their hearts in to that will never be seen.
Doctor Who FanFilm Christmas Special 2022 - The Night Before Christmas
#DW2012 #LukeNewman #MeganShirley #Christmas #DoctorWho #FanFilm
#dw2012 #lukenewman #meganshirley #christmas #doctorwho #fanfilm
Wir präsentieren euch unsere neueste #Fanfilm Episode "Next in Line".
Diese Episode ist als Charakter Vignette gedacht, aber auch als kleine Überleitung zu kommenden Fanfilmen wie unserem Großprojekt für 2023.
Gedreht wurde an einem einzigen Tag, die Nachbearbeitung erfolgte dann in den folgenden zwei Wochen.
Wir hoffen sie gefällt euch und wir wünschen euch noch frohe Feiertage.
#StarTrek #Fanfilm #Euderion #EuderionInfinity #StarTrekCommunity
#StarTrekCommunity #EuderionInfinity #Euderion #startrek #fanfilm
Yay! My old Space Navigator mouse now works with Manjaro Linux and Blender! Not that I have anywhere near the skill to make proper use of it. Add it to the growing hobby pile.
I did some rudimentary 3D stuff back in the day when we were first starting off making a #StarTrek #FanFilm. Mostly because we all did multiple jobs on it. These days there’s more volunteers and more specialisation.
Now if only my nice big powerful video editing PC didn’t crash when rendering video or when under load.
Yay! My old Space Navigator mouse now works with Manjaro Linux and Blender! Not that I have anywhere near the skill to make proper use of it. Add it to the growing hobby pile.
I did some rudimentary 3D word back in the day when we were first starting off making a #StarTrek #FanFilm. Mostly because we all did multiple jobs on it. These days there’s more volunteers and more specialisation.
Now if only my nice big powerful video editing PC didn’t crash when rendering video or when under load.