"Vögel fliegen frei umher.
Fische schwimmen frei.
Blumen blühen frei.
Das Gras wächst frei.
Oh, unser großes Mutterland,
Wann wirst du frei singen?"
(Fang Bin)
Der Journalist #FangBin, der drei Jahre lang inhaftiert war, weil er über den #COVID19-Ausbruch in #Wuhan berichtet hatte, hat einen Online-Shop bei #Taobao eröffnet. Dort kann man dieses Werk erstehen.
#taobao #Wuhan #COVID19 #fangbin
Chinese whistleblower- #FangBin- who documented the initial #Covid outbreak in China's #Wuhan, has been freed from jail after three years, BBC reported.
Read more here: https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/covid-in-china-wuhan-coronavirus-china-covid-whistleblower-fang-bin-returns-home-to-wuhan-after-jail-report-101683104433282.html #press
"Fang was among a number of Chinese people who were targeted by authorities for publicly reporting the events of the world’s first major #Covid19 outbreak and lockdown. He and fellow citizen journalist #ChenQiushi, disappeared from #Wuhan in February 2020." #FangBin #FreeFangBin
#China’s #Covid #whistleblower in Wuhan reportedly freed after three years | #PressFreedom | The Guardian
#pressfreedom #whistleblower #covid #china #freefangbin #fangbin #wuhan #chenqiushi #COVID19