My boy is still with me and doing so good. There’s been a couple of bad days but I’m genuinely stunned how much living and loving he is still doing. It’s been 7 weeks since his surgery and terminal cancer diagnosis. We are doing regular harnessed walks outside. Time on the balcony with no leash but the inflated collar so he can’t squeeze between the bars. Getting some good bird watching in and soaking up some sun. Food is anything and everything he’s interested in. #caturday #cancer #fangCat
Here he is, eyes locked onto the curlew who landed on a fence.
He had a turn around this morning. Appetite returned, food and water, energy for play and bird watching. Right now he’s back to snoozing in a fav spot nearby while I work. The vet and my reading led me to believe he would take a sudden rapid downturn but maybe it will be more about counting bad days vs good #fangcat #petloss #petgrief
I got home late today due to a compulsory office day blah blah and it turns out Fang had a bad day. He’s been hiding under the bed and hasn’t eaten. This might be the bad turn we have been dreading. After I was home he ate some treat tube goo off my finger but… he didn’t finish the tube. So I’m crying #fangcat