Nyt tulee vähän #FanGirling, jota harvemmin harrastan.
Mulla on mennyt ohi, että #SannaMarin on viikonloppuna käynyt #Taidehalli n tyttöjen & naisten juhlimista tarkastelevassa #MaisaMajakka n näyttelyssä.
Jossa siis on patsas #BileSanna sta. Ja #Marin! Marin on ottanut selfien patsaan kanssa, ja pistänyt julki.
Hitto mikä mimmi! UPEEEEE!
Tämä me menetetään. Ja saadaan tilalle #Orpo laitaoikeistosakkeineen. Voi PRKL!
#fangirling #sannamarin #taidehalli #maisamajakka #bilesanna #marin #orpo #nayttely #taide #suomi #politiikka #yhteiskunta
IT’S FINALLY OUT! 🤩 #Audiobook edition of FANGIRLING ARMITAGE for all y’all #RichardArmitage fans out there 🥰 https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/627323675
#newrelease #fangirls #fangirling #london #nyc #creativenonfiction #autobiography #memoir #celebrity #britishproblems #northandsouth
#northandsouth #britishproblems #celebrity #memoir #autobiography #CreativeNonfiction #nyc #london #fangirling #Fangirls #newrelease #richardarmitage #audiobook
TOMORROW! 💖 My #Fangirling #RichardArmitage #audiobook drops and I am very very excited! In the meantime - here is a selfie! #fangirl
#fangirl #audiobook #richardarmitage #fangirling
Nebraska trying to spend half a billion dollars on a dry ass canal. This fucking state...
The government of NE has such a hard on against Colorado, who barely even notices we exist, lol. #FanGirling
From Twitter (via Facebook group) Dr Colette Balmain on #bbcsounds #flipside #fangirling with Paris Lees #BTS ( I haven't listened to second half properly) https://twitter.com/ColetteBalmain/status/1625552425309405184?t=prXpIMbdTgKCDO9ZMh6fTg&s=19
#bbcsounds #flipside #fangirling #bts
Watched like 20 videos of
"Mr BEAST" this morning
Guess what.. I have a crush on Chandler!!! @ChandlerHallow@twitter.com
#Forever21 👋🏻
Also because I am now #fangirling over my favorite #music here's a #video of the other #concert that we were actually at:
#fangirling #music #video #concert
2015 😃
@LewisHamilton@twitter.com @PKSubban1@twitter.com
@shake75 Héhé tu aurais du y aller ça a beaucoup plu visiblement...
Oui j'aimais bien la première éliminée aussi, dommage... Difficile de tout analyser en 2 épisodes avec 16 queens, comme d'hab la semaine prochaine j'en aurais oublié la moitié - vive les recaps 😌 - et selon les challenges tout peut basculer en 2 secondes... Bon j'ai hate de la suite :blob_spin: #fangirling
Just a Wee Writing Lassie working on her horror/science fiction novels 😁
Just started on Mastodon yesterday- want to find out more? Check my blog out here: https://weewritinglassie.home.blog #writing #fiction #horror #scienceficton #history #scotland #autism #dyslexic #tolkien #blogging #folklore #book #bookstan #fangirling
#writing #fiction #horror #scienceficton #history #scotland #autism #dyslexic #tolkien #blogging #folklore #book #bookstan #fangirling
Just a Wee Writing Lassie working on her horror/science fiction novels 😁
Just started on Mastodon yesterday- want to find out more? Check my blog out here: https://weewritinglassie.home.blog #writing #fiction #horror #scienceficton #history #scotland #autism #dyslexic #tolkien #blogging #folklore #book #bookstan #fangirling
#writing #fiction #horror #scienceficton #history #scotland #autism #dyslexic #tolkien #blogging #folklore #book #bookstan #fangirling
Somebody at work from another department came to fix one of the doors and saw my "Lemmy is God" spade pin on my lanyard. Nobody has ever noticed it before and it makes me so happy when these things happen so we talked about Motörhead for a little bit. Don't you just love meeting people who share your music tastes? 🎶🤘♠️
#music #Motörhead #Lemmy #LemmyKilmister #fangirling #heavymetal
#music #motorhead #lemmy #lemmykilmister #fangirling #heavymetal
I would have binged the entire series last night but they are making me WAIT FOR IT. Just inject this right into my veins. Yes that is Chastain and Shannon doing all the vocals and they are MAGNIFICENT 🔥♥️ #Fangirling #GeorgeAndTammy #Television #JessicaChastain #MichaelShannon
#fangirling #georgeandtammy #television #jessicachastain #michaelshannon
I accidentally drew something cool for my monthly project! I wish I could share but don't want to ruin the long-term project this is apart of! Style I'm like fangirling because this is a character i'm designing at the moment for my stories! #hype #FanGirling
Someone just called me fan art a constant source of joy and I’m all 😭😊😭
@saskiathewicked het enige dat ik ooit durf gebruiken is van die ampullen van Babor. Voor de rest miet ik ook van niets weten.
En dat ik vind dat ge een cool wijf zijt, dat weet je al he. Ik hoop ooit er half zo cool als gij uit te zien 😍 #fangirling
Hello to the folks who have followed me since I joined here😄
I’ve been trying my best to bring folk over “from the dark side” - but to no avail.
Either way, I’m slowly getting used to how things work here ( though I’m not remotely political - there was enough of that on Twitter -eww) I do love reading posts about #Writing #WritersLife #Gardening #Cats #Blogging #Books #Life #Traveling #Holidays #Scotland #UK #Australia #DisabilityMastodon #Pets #Memes #DankMeme #TVShows #Foodie #Cooking #WhatMakesYouHappy #Music #LiveBands #Comedy #StandUpComedy #Podcast #YouTube #Lols #Laughter #RandomThoughts #Joy #Smiles #Dogs #Doggo #ASMR #Inspired #GettingToKnowFolks #Fangirling #Fandoms #Fanfic #FanficCommunity #Outlander #OutlanderStarz #JamieFraser #ClaireFraser #SamHeughan #CaitrìonaBalfe #MPC #MyPeakChallenge #Arts #ArtsAndCrafts #80s #90s #MarriedLife #Music #Whisky #WhiskyCollector
Yeah, that about covers it. I hope we can sit down and have a chinwag 😁
Looking forward to it.
#writing #writerslife #gardening #cats #blogging #books #life #traveling #holidays #scotland #uk #australia #disabilitymastodon #pets #memes #dankmeme #tvshows #foodie #cooking #whatmakesyouhappy #music #livebands #comedy #standupcomedy #podcast #youtube #lols #laughter #randomthoughts #joy #smiles #dogs #doggo #asmr #inspired #gettingtoknowfolks #fangirling #fandoms #fanfic #fanficcommunity #outlander #outlanderstarz #jamiefraser #clairefraser #samheughan #caitrionabalfe #mpc #mypeakchallenge #arts #artsandcrafts #80s #90s #marriedLife #whisky #whiskycollector
Dammit Bleach brave souls! Just keep teasing me with the loading screen of my favorite sexy Espada. Been trying to get him but so far no luck. :(
#Bleach #BleachBraveSouls #Grimmjow #Grimmjowisthedemonking #fangirling #mobilegame
#bleachbravesouls #grimmjow #grimmjowisthedemonking #fangirling #mobilegame #bleach