Could Fani Willis indicting so many people work to Jack Smith's advantage?
Seems like Willis might not want to try all 19 defendants. But the threat of it could encourage some of them to cop pleas. If they do, wouldn't their testimony be available for Smith to use in his case?
The Georgia defendants know that there are no pardons in their future. If it were me, I'd be flipping!
#trump #trumpindictment #FaniWillis #Fani #jacksmith #trumpindicted #politics #uspolitics #uspol
#trump #trumpindictment #faniwillis #fani #jacksmith #trumpindicted #politics #uspolitics #uspol
Let's see all those hysterical laughing emojis from MAGA world. Oh yeah, right. Never mind.
#TrumpIndictment4 #trumprico #TrumpIndictments #FaniWillis #Fani #trumpgeorgia
#trumpindictment4 #trumprico #trumpindictments #faniwillis #fani #trumpgeorgia
#georgia #2020election #votingmachine #coffeecounty #fraud #electionsoftware #traitortrump #republicans #gop #maga #cheaters #fascist #fani #trumpers #trump2024 #voteblue #electioninterference #
#georgia #2020election #votingmachine #coffeecounty #fraud #electionsoftware #traitortrump #republicans #gop #maga #cheaters #fascist #fani #trumpers #trump2024 #voteblue #electioninterference #https
Little #TrumptyDumpty is scared shitless! Next is #Fani 's turn...."And if it's what you say - especially later in the summer- I love it"
"Unthinkable" - Trump demands indictment to be withdrawn in Truth Social rant. (Sure, Jan)
Me: Dear Don....the defendent doesn't demand anything "Mr" fuked around and are going to find out what a criminal trial is all about, old "pal"😂
Cuando no todos teníamos acceso a una cámara de video en todo momento, los videos aislados de OVNIS eran comunes, y 'era obvio';no todo el mundo cargaba una cámara.
Desde la llegada de los celulares con cámara, esos videos de OVNIS disminuyeron.
Hoy regresan los videos de OVNIS, y siguen siendo casos aislados a pesar de que hoy todo el mundo tiene una cámara de video consigo todo el tiempo.
Creo que con el auge de la IA, ya no serán videos aislados.
El fenómeno OVNI seguirá vigente. #fani
Si vinieran #extraterrestres, por pura estadística llegarían más bien a alguno de los mares. Y si se acercaran a las tierras emergidas, probablemente los vería alguien de China o India.¡ El Capitolio de #Washington es un lugar pequeñito!
#ovni #ovnis #ufo #uap #fani #superstición #supersticiones
#extraterrestres #washington #ovni #ovnis #ufo #uap #fani #supersticion #supersticiones
Jos nyt kuitenkin puhuttaisiin oikeilla sanoilla, tässä ole mitään tekemistä #fani toiminta kanssa, pelkkää #huliganismia jota ei #Suomi kaipaa.
Pronounced 'Fawni', not 'Fanny'.
**#Fani** is a female Greek name, deriving from the name Theofania. Both Fani and Theofania are associated with the manifestation of God, as the word ‘theofania” in ancient Greek refers to the appearance of god to man. **Fani is the female respective of Fanis and celebrates her nameday on January 6th** – the Epiphany day in Greece ( Theofania day ) - and on March 12th, the day of Saint Theofanis.
Indictments coming in August - over a dozen, supposedly were recommended last time, this is a long time coming - great news.
#Fani #Willis #Atlanta #GA #DA #scheduling #tightly #signaling #clearly #indictment #days #are #nigh #oh #holy #indictments #how #they #shine
#fani #willis #atlanta #GA #da #scheduling #tightly #signaling #clearly #indictment #Days #are #nigh #oh #holy #indictments #how #they #shine
Pianella, missione compiuta: vince il derby dei play-out e resta in #Promozione
La squadra di #Fanì conquista la salvezza al termine di una stagione difficile: condannata al ritorno in #Prima l'altra pescarese #Elicese
Pianella, mission accomplished: win the play-out derby and stay in Promotion
#Fanì's team conquers salvation at the end of a difficult season: the other #Pescara-based #Elicese is condemned to return to #Prima
1-5-2023 8:50 #IlPescara
#promozione #fani #prima #elicese #pescara #ilpescara
New details on #Fani Willis' potential indictment of Donald Trump revealed: report
Just when we thought you couldn't sink any lower, your coward ass bullies #RubyFreeman who is a complete class act, unlike yourself.
Please start ur shit with #JackSmithDOJ or #fani not a nice lady! Your dog whistling is a danger to her! #LockHimUpAlready
#rubyfreeman #jacksmithdoj #fani #lockhimupalready
La Mini verde con tettuccio nero presente durante l'agguato a #Moro in via #Fani, era intestata a #TullioMoscardi, ufficiale paracadutista #XMas e reclutatore di sabotatori per il #GruppoVega un unità speciale di #StayBehind...
#staybehind #GruppoVega #xmas #TullioMoscardi #fani #moro
Fachangestellte/r für Medien- und Informationsdienste (m/w/d)- Fachrichtung Bibliothek, unbefristet in Vollzeit ab 01.04.2023, bis E 7 TVöD Kulturforum Witten – Bibliothek | Bewerbungsfrist: 15.12.2022 | #openbibliojobs #Bibliothek #Vollzeit #FANI
#fani #vollzeit #bibliothek #openbibliojobs
#MoroFiles Audizione Giudice #Armati rivela che Tullio #Olivetti, proprietario del Bar Olivetti all'angolo Via #Fani, dove le #BR si nascosero dietro le siepi, era un trafficante di armi che aveva come socio la figlia del Pres Repubblica #Gronchi (2016)
#Gronchi #br #fani #olivetti #armati #MoroFiles