#Fanlore is holding an editing chat on Discord for #FandominColor! Show up on 23rd July at 17:00-19:00 UTC (https://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Fandom+in+Color%3A+Fanlore+Editing+Chat&iso=20230723T17&p1=1440&ah=2) to edit pages on fans and fandom of color - from activism & events to characters & communities.
Learn more at Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/fanlore-wiki/723323386282082304/join-our-fandom-in-color-editing-chat-this-sunday
Other Conventions
I am trying to list the fanvids that were shown at other fan conventions. It covers 1979 through the present.
You can learn more about these conventions & events by heading over to #Fanlore, the fan-run #wiki hosted by the #OrganizationForTransformativeWorks #OTW
Cabrillo Con
DC SlashCon
Eastern Media Con
Equinox Spring (a challenge, not a convention)
Equinox Fall (a challenge, not a convention)
FemmeslashCon (TGIF/F)
FanStudies (an academic convention)
Festivids (a challenge, not a convention)
Geek Media Expo
Nine Worlds
PacificCon/ Bitchin' Party
Slashcon (Australia)
Sharecon (SH10x)
Sherlock (Seattle)
Sirens Conference
Slashcon (AUS)
Swancon (AUS)
Southern Media Con
VegaSH Con
#fanlore #wiki #organizationfortransformativeworks #otw
From Fanlore, the fan run wiki:
"Songs about aliens, #unicorns, and #Kirk/Spock! This #Thurminology we are focusing on #Filk. Often referred to as "science-fiction folk music", Filk is the creation and performance of music tied to sci-fi/fantasy fandom. Come over to #Fanlore and learn more! bit.ly/2TwETqR
#unicorns #kirk #thurminology #filk #fanlore #fandomhistory
4. #Fanlore Is the 4th place where our fanzine #scans come in handy. The last 10 years we've been documenting the existence of every fanzine that we scan on #Fanlore the fan run wiki operated by the #OrganizationForTransformativeWorks or #OTW , the group that also hosts #ArchiveOfOurOwn or #AO3. We upload the cover and the tables of contents along with low resolution copies of sample interior art.
Come read about the first Star Trek fanzine published in 1967 https://fanlore.org/wiki/Spockanalia
#fanlore #scans #organizationfortransformativeworks #otw #archiveofourown #ao3
I love #FandomHistory (my corner of #fandom is the part that reads and writes #fanfiction and edits #fanvids). Think #ArchiveOfOurOwn #AO3
Anyhow here is a post of gratitude to all the #volunteers who showed up, stayed & did the work.
#fanzine #digitizing & #archiving
#fanvid archiving & documenting them on #fanlore, the fan-run #wiki
#interviewing older & current fans for our #OralHistory
rescuing & #preserving our #FanArt
links to #projects in the replies
#fandomhistory #fandom #fanfiction #fanvids #archiveofourown #ao3 #volunteers #fanzine #Digitizing #archiving #fanvid #fanlore #wiki #interviewing #oralhistory #preserving #FanArt #introduction #intro #projects
I have been a fan of popular culture (Western TV/Movies) for
over 25+ years. I read & write #fanfiction, have made #fanvids (#vidding). As I slowly drift towards the setting sun, I focus most of my energy on #fandomhistory
But starting in 2016, my social media is now mainly #USPol and sadly since 2020 #COVID19 My #fandom content may be intermittent.
Twitter handle: morgandawn6
This is an over 18 blog
#fanfiction #fanvids #vidding #fandomhistory #uspol #COVID19 #fandom #lgbtq #democracy #resistance #otw #ao3 #fanlore #introduction
I do volunteer work for #Fanlore a fandom history #wiki, so we focus a bit more on preservation and historical documentation than average individuals. Especially when we are linking to posts for citation purposes. We're testing using the way back machine to preserve for those purposes
What is This Silly #Rebel #Pod #Ship?
#StarWars #Lore #StarWarsLore #SWLore #FanLore #Rebels #RebelAlliance #RebelShip #RebelAllianceShip #Rebellion #PodShip #RebelFleet #Cyclops #Cyclops7
#cyclops7 #cyclops #rebelfleet #podship #rebellion #rebelallianceship #rebelship #rebelalliance #rebels #fanlore #swlore #starwarslore #lore #starwars #ship #pod #rebel
Finished watching Home Alone 2. One thing I noticed is that both "Old Man Marley" (from the first movie) and "Pigeon Lady" (from the second movie) appear in shots that zoom in on their unlaced, black boots.
The Home Alone franchise makes tons of connections by zooming in on key details (think Harry's gold tooth from 1). Does that mean "Pigeon Lady" and "Old Man Marley" are connected?
"Pigeon Lady" mentions in 2 that she had a fiancé, but was dumped and had a broken heart. "Old Man Marley" in 1 mentions that he had a blow up with his son, so we know he has some tendency to severely damage relationships. Is it possible he broke the heart of "Pigeon Lady"?
I didn't find any immediate online chatter about this theory after some cursory searching. Pictures of the boots included for reference.
I am currently into #farawaywanderers/#wordofhonor, random #gongjun dramas, ???. Always into #podfic and #fanlore
#farawaywanderers #gongjun #podfic #fanlore
@emptymovement Welcome fellow #fandom #archivists . We collect Western Media (TV/Movies) fanfiction, fanvids and other #fanworks. I also volunteer on #Fanlore - a fan run wiki where we can document the fanworks and fan activities (anything by or about fans vs show canon). We need more documentation of the fanworks
#fandom #archivists #Fanworks #fanlore
@warkittens Maybe check out https://mastodon.lol/@morgandawn, they might have more links to suggest! (and #fanlore might be worth checking on various instances since inter-instance search is very, very limited in some cases).
Songs about aliens, #unicorns, and #Kirk/Spock! This #Thurminology we are focusing on #Filk. Often referred to as "science-fiction folk music", Filk is the creation and performance of music tied to sci-fi/fantasy fandom. Come over to #Fanlore and learn more! bit.ly/2TwETqR
#unicorns #kirk #thurminology #filk #fanlore #fandomhistory
The OTW's 2021 Annual Report is now available. You can read it, and all earlier reports, at the #OTW website
#OTW #OrganizationForTransformativeWorks #AO3 #Fanlore
Does OTW have a Mastodon account yet?
#otw #organizationfortransformativeworks #ao3 #fanlore
4. #Fanlore Is the 4th place where our fanzine #scans come in handy. The last 10 years we've been documenting the existence of every fanzine that we scan on #Fanlore the fan run wiki operated by the #OrganizationForTransformativeWorks or #OTW , the group that also hosts #ArchiveOfOurOwn or #AO3. We upload the cover and the tables of contents along with low resolution copies of sample interior art.
Come read about the first Star Trek fanzine published in 1967 https://fanlore.org/wiki/Spockanalia
#fanlore #scans #organizationfortransformativeworks #otw #archiveofourown #ao3
I love #FandomHistory (my corner of #fandom is the part that reads and writes #fanfiction and edits #fanvids). Think #ArchiveOfOurOwn #AO3
Anyhow here is a post of gratitude to all the #volunteers who showed up, stayed and did the work.
#fanzine #digitizing & #archiving
#fanvid archiving and documenting them on #fanlore, the fan-run #wiki
#interviewing older & current fans for our #OralHistory
rescuing & #preserving our #FanArt
links to #projects in the replies
#fandomhistory #fandom #fanfiction #fanvids #archiveofourown #ao3 #volunteers #fanzine #Digitizing #archiving #fanvid #fanlore #wiki #interviewing #oralhistory #preserving #fanart #introduction #intro #projects
I have been a fan of popular culture (Western TV/Movies) for
over 25+ years. I read & write #fanfiction, have made #fanvids (#vidding). As I slowly drift towards the setting sun, I focus most of my energy on #fandomhistory
But starting in 2016, my social media is now mainly #USPol and sadly since 2020 #COVID19 My #fandom content may be intermittent.
Twitter handle: morgandawn6
This is an over 18 blog
#ao3 #fanlore #fanfiction #fanvids #vidding #fandomhistory #uspol #COVID19 #fandom #lgbtq #democracy #resistance #otw #introduction
I've never been one to talk about the #OTW much on social media but I should probably mention it here, I guess.
I'm a long-time OTW volunteer (that's the nonprofit behind #AO3, #Fanlore and others). I'm always happy to talk about it—the good and the bad, we certainly have a lot that needs improving—and to answer questions about it if you ever have any.
[I don't speak for the OTW, just my own perspective, of course.]
Obligatory #introduction post! I'm auntags
#OTW volunteer, #fanlore gardener and at this stage I'm probably a #FandomOld. Too many #fandoms to mention but I'm a #sff fan who loves books, audiobooks, #fanfic and I'm starting to get into #podfics. I'm auntaggie on #ao3 and #tumblr, but hoping to find some new folks to follow here
I'm also #irish, so there will likely be lots of retoots bout the state of the weather. Agus retoots as #gaeilge. Táim ag iarraidh mo scileanna teanga a cleachtadh 😊
#introduction #OTW #fanlore #fandomold #fandoms #sff #fanfic #podfics #ao3 #tumblr #irish #gaeilge