#FreedomWall in #Buffalo:
https://buffaloakg.org/community/ak-public-art/freedom-wall ❤️ ⬇️
#RosaParks #StokelyCarmichael #MamaCharleneCaverMiller #WilliamWellsBrown #KingPeterson #AngelaDavis #BillGaiter #MalcolmX #AliciaGarza #GeorgeKArthur
#AlNisaBanks #WEBDuBois #EvaDoyle #HueyPNewton #ShirleyChisholm #FrankMerriweather #MartinLutherKing #MaryBTalbert #ReverendJEdwardNash #DrLydiaTWright #FrederickDouglass #DrMonroeFordham #ThurgoodMarshall #FannieLouHamer #ArthurOEve #MinnieGillette #MarcusGarvey #HarrietTubman
#freedomwall #buffalo #rosaparks #stokelycarmichael #mamacharlenecavermiller #williamwellsbrown #kingpeterson #angeladavis #billgaiter #malcolmx #aliciagarza #georgekarthur #alnisabanks #WEBDuBois #evadoyle #hueypnewton #shirleychisholm #frankmerriweather #MartinLutherKing #marybtalbert #reverendjedwardnash #drlydiatwright #FrederickDouglass #drmonroefordham #thurgoodmarshall #fannielouhamer #arthuroeve #minniegillette #marcusgarvey #harriettubman #BlackMasto
Fannie Lou Hamer was an American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer, and leader in the civil rights movement.
The forced sterilization was one of the moments that set Hamer on the path to the forefront of the Mississippi Civil Rights movement.
-> https://www.democratsabroad.org/jazzmin_d_moore/black_history_month_-_fannie_lou_hamer
#FannieLouHamer #RepresentationMatters #CivilRights #Activist #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackResistance #BlackLivesMatter #BlackVotesMatter #VoteFromAbroad #DemsAbroad #GlobalBlackCaucus #Reparations
#fannielouhamer #representationmatters #civilrights #activist #blackhistorymonth #blackresistance #blacklivesmatter #blackvotesmatter #votefromabroad #demsabroad #globalblackcaucus #reparations
What I really love about ancestor Fannie Lou Hamer (civil rights activist) was her critique of classism. We don't discuss that enough. Like when she recalled this encounter: "Mr. Wilkins came to me one day from the #NAACP - the National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN People." -- Truest of shade. #FannieLouHamer #civilrights
#CivilRights #fannielouhamer #naacp
#UnitaBlackwell & #FannieLouHamer testify before the U.S. Senate 1967
#unitablackwell #fannielouhamer