🔔#Earthquake (#terremoto) M3.0 occurred 27 km E of #Fano (#Italy) 20 min ago (local time 13:45:27). More info at:
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
Archivio-Biblioteca Enrico Travaglini has been added to A Radical Guide https://www.radical-guide.com/listing/archivio-biblioteca-enrico-travaglini #WhereWereYouRadicalized? #europe #fano #italy
#WhereWereYouRadicalized #europe #fano #italy
🔔#Earthquake (#terremoto) M3.2 occurred 28 km E of #Fano (#Italy) 12 min ago (local time 09:56:48). More info at:
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M3.2 strikes 28 km E of #Fano (#Italy) 12 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1541306
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M2.1 strikes 29 km E of #Fano (#Italy) 18 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1541302
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M2.7 strikes 28 km E of #Fano (#Italy) 18 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1535928
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
Quelques photos de l’infrastructure cyclable de #Pesaro
- c’est long (on peu aller jusqu’à #fano à 1h de 🚲 de manière sécurisée sur 99% du parcours)
- relie la gare, centre et la plage
- revêtement souvent coloré
- pleins de lignes à venir
- part modale 🚲 autour de 30% !
Vivement ça avec le Vélo Île-de-France (VIF)!
#pesaro #fano #velo #infrastructure #bicipolitana #italie
Hier etwas aus meinem beruflichen Umfeld. Entstanden ist dieses Foto vor ca. 3 Wochen beim Drachenfest auf der Insel Fanø.
#streetphotograhy #Sundowner #kitefestival #kites #fanø #denmark #colours #fineart #silhouette
#streetphotograhy #Sundowner #kitefestival #kites #fano #denmark #colours #fineart #silhouette
Wattenmeer so weit das Auge reicht. Wirklich beeindruckend… #nature #naturephotography #fanø #storm #rain
#nature #naturephotography #fano #storm #rain
Guten Morgen aus #dänemark 😎 Die Morgenrunde am Strand hat schon was ☺️ #dogs #dogsofmastodon #fanø #nature #goodmorning
#danemark #dogs #dogsofmastodon #fano #nature #goodmorning
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M2.3 strikes 28 km NE of #Fano (#Italy) 9 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1271275
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy
UPDATE [07.06-01:50] Mar #Adriatico #terremoto (01:37 UTC+2) a circa 20 km al largo di #Pesaro #Fano - M 3.3 PROVVISORIO (avvertito nella costa) - Nell'immagine come è stato "sentito" dal sismografo di Pordenone
#adriatico #terremoto #pesaro #fano
ADESSO [07.06-01:40] Mar #Adriatico #terremoto (01:37 UTC+2) a circa 20 km al largo di #Pesaro #Fano - M 3.4 PROVVISORIO (possibile sia stato avvertito nella costa)
#adriatico #terremoto #pesaro #fano
#Fano, finalmente l’hospice pediatrico: 10 posti nell’area ex ospedaletto
"Con la legge discussa venerdì in consiglio regionale, il progetto dell’Hospice pediatrico di #Fano è entrato ufficialmente nel Piano socio sanitario 2023 - 2025. Verrà quindi attuato e una prima...
#Fano, the paediatric hospice at last: 10 places in the former hospital area
"With the law discussed on Friday in the regional council, the paediatric hospice project in #Fano has officially entered the 2023 - 2025 Social and Health Plan. It will therefore be implemented and a first...
27-5-2023 21:16 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/pesaro/cronaca/hospice-pediatrico-fano-dove-2d3c0f7a
#Missione dei fedeli fanesi a Fermo per l’ordinazione del vescovo Andrea
Saranno organizzati pullman per festeggiare alla grande il nuovo pastore della diocesi. Pronto il passaggio di consegne.
Mission of the faithful from #Fano in Fermo for the ordination of Bishop Andrea
Buses will be organised to celebrate the diocese's new pastor. The handover is ready.
26-5-2023 7:29 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/pesaro/cronaca/missione-dei-fedeli-fanesi-a-fermo-per-lordinazione-del-vescovo-andrea-18c14d1b
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M2.1 strikes 28 km NE of #Fano (#Italy) 14 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1263861
#earthquake #terremoto #fano #italy