Kamonohashi no Fansub · @knfansub
52 followers · 62 posts · Server tkz.one

Lo publicamos el sábado. Una OVA resultona para combatir el calor: Shinkai no Kantai Submarine 707

#anime #fansub #knf

Last updated 1 year ago

· @alliecat
59 followers · 258 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The worst thing about how 00s -style detailed subtitles on themes aren't really a thing anymore is that my Japanese is advanced enough now to figure out *how* and *why* x Japanese lyric subtitle means y English translation subtitle, a lot of the time anyway, and I think doing so would be a really effective way of improving further for me (anyway fuck for making anime imports worse)

#fansub #anime #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Jitsch · @yellowjitsch
52 followers · 256 posts · Server urusai.social

I have consumed (often) and fan translations of (rarely) in the past and think that they are not inherently a bad thing if they make media accessible that doesn’t get licensed.

I also get that some people cannot afford to access official licensed media if it’s paid, and/or use their limited funds to buy official merchandise.

(more in thread)

#fansub #manga

Last updated 2 years ago

Jitsch · @yellowjitsch
70 followers · 397 posts · Server mastodon.art

I have consumed (often) and fan translations of (rarely) in the past and think that they are not inherently a bad thing if they make media accessible that doesn’t get licensed.

I also get that some people cannot afford to access official licensed media if it’s paid, and/or use their limited funds to buy official merchandise.

(more in thread)

#manga #fansub

Last updated 2 years ago

Oldtaku :verified: · @Oldtaku
24 followers · 38 posts · Server fandom.ink

Came back from Europe to an amazing VHS source that actually lives in my home town of Houston, TX which I will be visiting next week! Fingers crossed, I may come home with a huge collection to add to my archive.

#fansub #MediaPreservation

Last updated 2 years ago

CatSub · @catsub
24 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodont.cat

Som nous a , així que toca fer una breu !

Vam néixer l'any 2003 i som un , és a dir, un grup de fans que subtitulem i editem en de manera altruista. Si el que hem publicat s'acaba editant de manera oficial en català, ho retirem immediatament.

Ara subtitulem «Chainsaw Man» al ritme de l'emissió japonesa, però hem fet molts més animes: «Rànquing de reis», «Shadows House», «Violet Evergarden», «Una Altra», «Un lloc més enllà de l'univers»...

#mastodon #presentacio #fansub #anime #manga #catala

Last updated 2 years ago

Fansubs.cat · @fansubscat
44 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodont.cat

Estrenem Mastodon! Vet aquí una de Fansubs.cat:

🌐 Agrupem tot el material editat pels fansubs en .
👥 Un és un grup de fans que subtitula sèries o tradueix còmics.
📺 Tenim més de 450 sèries i films d' subtitulats en català.
📗 I més de 200 obres de amb el text en català.
❌ Si quelcom s'edita de manera oficial en català, ho eliminem del web.
✨ Sense publicitat i totalment de franc.
➡️ Si ens segueixes, et mantindrem al dia de les novetats.

#presentacio #catala #fansub #anime #manga

Last updated 2 years ago

Fansubs.cat · @fansubscat
6 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodont.cat

Estrenem Mastodon! Vet aquí una de Fansubs.cat:

🌐 Agrupem tot el material editat pels fansubs en .
👥 Un és un grup de fans que subtitula sèries o tradueix còmics.
📺 Tenim més de 450 sèries i films d' subtitulats en català.
📗 I més de 200 obres de amb el text en català.
❌ Si quelcom s'edita de manera oficial en català, ho eliminem del web.
✨ Sense publicitat i totalment de franc.
➡️ Si ens segueixes, et mantindrem al dia de les novetats.


#presentacio #catala #fansub #anime #manga

Last updated 2 years ago

#FreeAssange - ɯɟʇɹ · @rtfm
450 followers · 1629 posts · Server mastodon.la

Estoy jugando con la idea en mi cabeza de levantar un alternativo, en donde la idea en primera linea sea conseguir una buena calidad de traduccion y no solo poner en portada a quienes trabajan en las obras, sino que reducir al minimo el espacio que ocupe la publicidad del propio y asi concentrarse en "producir de calidad decente en castellano"

#Scanlation #fansub #mangas

Last updated 2 years ago

Oldtaku :verified: · @Oldtaku
23 followers · 36 posts · Server fandom.ink

Going to Europe and Africa starting tomorrow! and . It'll be my first time in all of these places except Switzerland! Meanwhile I have two huge VHS orders I'm rushing to wrap up lmao

#switzerland #portugal #morocco #spain #malta #italy #fansub

Last updated 2 years ago

Thalskarth · @thalskarth
201 followers · 364 posts · Server im-in.space

@VagoFansubs Quizás estas cosas te conviene tootearlas con etiquetas como o similar para aumentar su alcance

#anime #fansub

Last updated 2 years ago

Oldtaku :verified: · @Oldtaku
23 followers · 36 posts · Server fandom.ink

Yet another Twitter escapee because fuck Elon Musk.

Nice to meet yall, I'm a cis female, raised as a been in for about 10 years and moving to Chicago in a year.

Big nerd & have been for 25 years. Old school is my home, specifically 90s era. is my jam. I run an old school VHS archive: oldtaku.neocities.org

Also big into , my most recent fav being . I still love though, and (but not Whedon).

#texan #california #fandom #anime #TheSlayers #fansub #scifi #theexpanse #ds9 #firefly #intropost

Last updated 2 years ago

themadprogramer · @themadprogramer
10 followers · 1026 posts · Server digipres.club

Trivia: Before there were fansubs, Japanese animations would be screened at conventions in the US accompanied by an English narrator.

Check out @Cinema_Nippon@twitter.com's "A Brief History of Fansubs" to learn more about the history of fansubs!


#captioning #fansub

Last updated 3 years ago

JordiGH · @JordiGH
709 followers · 20515 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I decided I wanted to something, but the software I'm finding for doing this is so labourious.

Is there something that allows me to listen to a few seconds of dialogue, pause it, let me write the translation, and automatically inserts the subtitle a couple of seconds back up until the current position?

So far I've tried,




The last one seems closest, but looks like all require constant manual timing adjustments.


Last updated 6 years ago