Today I finished my #mastersthesis. While on my way to the exam board I start tuning in with #ABurialAtSea for upcoming weekends that I can devote to my #music instead of writing. 📝
I studied a great #FreeSoftware :fsf: project for #realtime #NetworkedMusicPerformance but the focus was its #SoftwareArchitecture, the phenomenon of #ArchitecturalErosion in #OSS, and related issues in #AcademicSoftware.
Though this sounds like a #FantasticAdventure, it's also an exhausting one. But "[I] Really Did Grow After All". 🎸
#fantasticadventure #academicsoftware #oss #architecturalerosion #softwarearchitecture #networkedmusicperformance #realtime #freesoftware #music #aburialatsea #MastersThesis