@jamesthomson Apparently they now have some integrations with VTTs and D&D Beyond. (#FantasyGrounds #FGU user on macOS, myself.) Only heard about it after the site was nominated for the Ennie Awards. Seems great for more lightweight online and/or in-person games, especially for a youth game club (since no account is required).
Psssst! Want a Free Map?
Have a #FREE hand drawn map ideal for #Roll20 #FantasyGrounds #Foundry or IRL.
#dnd #5e #pathfinder #P2e #maps #cartography
#5e #dndcommunity #dndmaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #magicitem #rpggames #wotc #RolePlayingGame #osr #DungeonsAndDragons5e
#free #roll20 #fantasygrounds #Foundry #DnD #5e #pathfinder #P2E #maps #cartography #dndcommunity #dndmaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #magicitem #rpggames #wotc #roleplayinggame #osr #dungeonsanddragons5e
So... #FantasyGrounds lets me make the dice larger, but not the text? #GenConOnline
Using #DnD Spellbook Cards during a #GenConOnline game. I paid for all these dumb accessories, so I'm going to use them! (Also, the fonts in #FantasyGrounds are still too small.)
#DnD #GenConOnline #fantasygrounds
@Lane To be fair, the #FantasyGrounds Dune and Fallout implementations are extremely well done. I actually first migrated to #FoundryVTT due to the #FGU Conan system not being great (that one was not developed by Smiteworks themselves sadly)
#fantasygrounds #foundryvtt #fgu
#Modiphius almost had me considering #FantasyGrounds, because they have the official license for #Dune. But Foundry has spoiled me; I do way too much home brew to put out the money for Ultimate (which is the only FG option hat makes any sense value-wise).
#Modiphius #fantasygrounds #dune #foundryvtt #2D20
#RPG Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for July 2, 2023: #DnD, #Pathfinder, #Starfinder, #SavageWorlds, #Cyberpunk, #OSR, a big #FantasyGrounds sale, and a lot more! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-july-2-2023.698562/
#rpg #DnD #pathfinder #starfinder #SavageWorlds #cyberpunk #osr #fantasygrounds
Im Live for a spot of DnD!
Now, Where were we? Its Been a while
#dnd5e #dnd #FantasyGrounds #linux #livestream #TwitchStream #twitch #live
#live #twitch #twitchstream #livestream #linux #fantasygrounds #dnd #dnd5e
@greenspindle ich denke, oft liegt auch einiges an den merkwürdig zugemüllten Browser-Installationen vieler Leute, mit zweifelhaften "Sicherheitstools" und so weiter. Da einfach mal Audio und gar noch die Webcam eingeschaltet zu bekommen, ist oft eine größere Aufgabe, an der Runden bei mir schonmal gescheitert sind.
Vielleicht ist es ggf. auch sinnvoller, wenn VTTs alternativ auch als eigenständige Apps (wie #FoundryVTT, #FantasyGrounds oder #AlchemyRPG) angeboten werden.
#fantasygrounds #alchemyrpg #foundryvtt
Looking for players for this new campaign - a reimagining of the iconic D&D adventure set a century after Strahd's supposed demise.
#strahd #dnd #dnd5e #fantasygrounds #startplaying #strahdvonzarovich #barovia #ravenloft #castleravenloft #gothichorror #ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity #horror #vampire
#vampire #horror #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpg #gothichorror #castleravenloft #ravenloft #barovia #strahdvonzarovich #startplaying #fantasygrounds #dnd5e #dnd #strahd
@sanehamster Foundry VTT is my favourite for remote play, but I've also used Fantasy Grounds for years.
Personally I find Roll20 horribly clunky and unpleasant to use compared to both of those.
I just keep buying systems for Fantasy Grounds, but rarely ever get to use them #FantasyGrounds
Huge huge fan of #FantasyGrounds here. Very versatile, mature product with very responsive devs.
Psssst! Want a Free Map?
Time for a FREE hand drawn map ideal for #Roll20 #FantasyGrounds #Foundry or IRL.
Follow me for free maps & cool stuff!
#roll20 #fantasygrounds #Foundry #DnD #5e #osr #pathfinder #P2E #maps #cartography
Note: You can redeem the #FoundryVTT content even if you do not have a Foundry license. If you end up buying in later, it'll be there waiting for you.
While I am a #FantasyGrounds guy, I like competition in the marketplace. I like that Paizo and Humble are supporting multiple #VTT platforms.
#foundryvtt #fantasygrounds #vtt
This test was using a laptop via Parsec to access #fantasygrounds on the desktop. Not the best experience as I can't do multi-monitor this way so I am installing the Linux version of FG on the laptop to go native so I CAN stretch FG across monitors to have one for the players and one for the GM.
Psssst! Want a Free Map?
Time for a FREE hand drawn map ideal for #Roll20 #FantasyGrounds #Foundry or IRL.
Follow me for free maps & cool stuff! 😊
#roll20 #fantasygrounds #Foundry #DnD #5e #osr #pathfinder #P2E #maps #cartography