MAGMOE · @magmoe
3 followers · 391 posts · Server

キアヌ・リーブスが「ジョン・ウィック4」のファンの考察を検証 |


#cne #fantheory #fantheorygq #fantheorykeanureeves #gq #gqjapan #keanureevesgq #keanureevesgqjapan #keanureevesinstagram #keanureevesofficial #keanureevestwitter #キアヌ・リーブス #キアヌ・リーブスインスタ #キアヌ・リーブスオフィシャル #キアヌ・リーブスジーキュー #キアヌ・リーブスジーキュージャパン #キアヌ・リーブスツイッター #ファン・セオリーキアヌ・リーブス #ファン・セオリージーキュー #ファン・セオリージーキュージャパン #映画 #映画johnwick #映画johnwick4 #映画ジョン・ウィック #映画ジョン・ウィック4

Last updated 1 year ago

Böser anonymer Account 🇺🇦 · @fzer0
460 followers · 3140 posts · Server

What if the El-Aurians are the ancestors of the ?
For the time is very relative, so it could be that they have evolved from the El-Aurians and therefore they cannot control, change, manipulate them without endangering their own evolution.

This would explain why the Q don't like them because they are fixed points in a universe that is otherwise under their complete control.
It would also explain their "fear" of the to some extent even it they are mightier now.

#fantheory #startrek #q #borg

Last updated 2 years ago

Böser anonymer Account 🇺🇦 · @fzer0
460 followers · 3140 posts · Server

What if the El-Aurians are the ancestors of the ?
For the time is very relative, so it could be that they have evolved from the El-Aurians and therefore they cannot control, change, manipulate them without endangering their own evolution.

This would explain why the Q don't like them because they are fixed points in a universe that is otherwise under their complete control.

#fantheory #startrek #q

Last updated 2 years ago

Krolowa ⚧️ · @Krolowa
127 followers · 2233 posts · Server

I’m telling you, I totally think the great link developed a line of changelings to interact with humans. But those changelings didn’t like the solids ruling over the dominion so they started a Civil War.

#fantheory #picard

Last updated 2 years ago

Space Cadet · @ADHDefy
359 followers · 1434 posts · Server

Here's the theory:

Joe is Rhys. Or, rather, the Rhys that we see is actually Joe.

I do believe Rhys is a real guy. His book was real, when we see him on TV announcing his run for mayor, that was real, too; however, the Rhys that we see talking to Joe is not actually Rhys, but an avatar of some fragment of Joe himself.

Joe read Rhys' memoir and strongly identified with it. He has developed something akin to DID in response to his trauma, both childhood and adulthood, and the Rhys we see talking to Joe is a manifestation of that.

Joe was the killer, as Rhys, the whole time.


- No one in the friend group is ever seen talking to Rhys, nor do they acknowledge him when he's in the same room.

- Joe is the only one that speaks to Rhys, and they are very much alike.

- All of the murders happen when Joe loses consciousness (he's drugged, asleep, after he's pushed out of a window, etc.)

- More, but I forgot 😅​

#you #tv #fantheory #netflix

Last updated 2 years ago

Krolowa ⚧️ · @Krolowa
110 followers · 1887 posts · Server



Jack Crusher knows how to help them from needing to un-solidify or something along those lines. That's why they want him? Also - WTF is it at Daystrom that they're looking for??

#fantheory #picard3 #startrek #ds9 #thedominion

Last updated 2 years ago

Krolowa ⚧️ · @Krolowa
110 followers · 1886 posts · Server

Fan theory -

The discourse around shapeshifters being unable to replicate a nose got me thinking about this new breed of shapeshifter in

The Dominion division - Instead of genetically engineering races to interact with solids - they create a generation that can be solid for a long period of time - and look corporeal in every way. This new generation rebels and leaves the great chain. 👍

#picard3 #startrek #ds9 #thedominion #picard #fantheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Susser · @joshsusser
784 followers · 859 posts · Server

One of the enduring mysteries from is the nature of . I won't recap that mystery here, because there's plenty already out there you can read:

My own theory is that Tom Bombadil was necessary for the creation of Middle-earth, and he's just stuck around since then. The purpose of Middle-earth was to be where Elves and Men, the Children of Eru Illúvatar, lived. The world was made *for* them. But the creation of Middle-earth required the work of the Ainur and took time, and the Elves didn't awaken until well into the Years of the Trees, and Men even later, many thousands of years after Middle-earth's creation.

Tom's remarks indicate that he predates pretty much everything. He remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn. And he is also known by the title Master, with the implication that he's master of everything.

My theory is that Tom Bombadil's role is just that: Master. In the first days, there weren't any Elves or Men, so there was no one for Middle-earth to be *for*, or to be its master. But the world was meant to be for someone, so until the Elves came along, Tom got to be who the world was for. That let the world be for someone, so the fundamental nature of the world didn't have to change when Elves and Men came along. Tom Bombadil was a placeholder – a part of the construction scaffolding that Eru Illúvatar used to create Middle-earth. Eru Illúvatar made Tom before anything else, so that the rest of the world would make sense, at least until the other Children could fill that role. He doesn't fit into any other boxes because he is unique, and he is unique because he was made to fill a unique purpose.

There isn't much in the canon to back up my theory specifically, but I believe it is consistent with canon and even JRRT's non-canon lore.

#LordOfTheRings #tombombadil #jrrt #LOTR #fantheory

Last updated 2 years ago

The Many Voices🎙️ · @TheManyVoices
70 followers · 100 posts · Server

My for is based on the facts that:

(1) no one has checked his DNA yet,

(2) Beverly has not spoken about him yet, & hidden him away for decades,

(3) the graphics in the opening title sequence, as always, show clues abt the overall season. Multiple references to are made in the graphics. Some aspect will involve genetics.

This would make a good plot twist.

#fantheory #picardseason3 #dna #edwardspeleers #edspeleers #startrek #startrektng #startrekpicard #drbeverlycrusher #beverlycrusher

Last updated 2 years ago

My personal for

is either a of 's late husband Jack, OR a hybrid-clone of her late husband and .
(My prediction after seeing .)

🤔 Where Do You Know That Actor From? 🎥
/ was in and played in . I know him best as "Jimmy" on .

#fantheory #picardseason3 #jackcrusher #clone #drcrusher #picard #episode2 #edwardspeleers #edspeleers #eragon #stephenbonnet #outlander #downtonabbey #startrektng #startrekpicard #drbeverlycrusher #beverlycrusher

Last updated 2 years ago

Jacopo della Quercia · @Jacopo
1212 followers · 195 posts · Server

Late night : all the posters in 'Alien: Isolation' were created by APOLLO, which is why so many of them show a subtle hatred towards humanity.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tom · @strangetomato
115 followers · 265 posts · Server

Tom Bombadil is the personification of the Flame Imperishable, set in the heart of Eä by Eru. That's why he was there "before the Dark Lord came from outside", why he's immune to the powers of the ring, and unbothered by the rise and fall of dark lords like Sauron or even Melkor: only Eru himself can command the Flame Imperishable.

#tolkien #fantheory #TomBombadil

Last updated 2 years ago

Glenn Sanders · @itsfullofstars
543 followers · 429 posts · Server

The Star Wars Easter Egg of Destiny

Read the wild fan theory of how I connect Star Wars and Indiana Jones, with a tiny detail from the Solo movie that only a few people noticed.

#indianajones #starwars #fantheory #filmmastodon #cinemastodon #movies #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Glenn Sanders · @itsfullofstars
537 followers · 419 posts · Server

The Star Wars Easter Egg of Destiny
read the full story of how I connect Indiana Jones and Star Wars with an easter egg in the Solo movie...

#indianajones #starwars #fantheory #movies #filmmastodon #cinemastodon #cinema #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Rod Rakic · @rod
100 followers · 110 posts · Server

So… about that theory… was the rest of the movie just a dream?

#TopGunMaverick #aviation #fantheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Harkonnen2 · @harkonnen2
8 followers · 41 posts · Server

Dan Simmons pisząc "Endymiona" i "Tryumf Endymiona" chciał się zdystansować do wcześniej napisanych przez siebie "Hyperiona" i "Upadku Hyperiona" albo nawet chciał poprawić to, co nie podobało mu się we wcześniejszych częściach. Dlaczego tak sądzę? Albowiem : w dwóch ostatnich tomach wydarzenia z "Hyperiona" i "Upadku Hyperiona" są przywoływane przez pryzmat napisanych przerz Martina Silenusa "Pieśni". Za każdym razem gdy Simmons chce przywołać wcześniejsze tomy wspomina, że Raul wiedział o tym, bo Starowina kazała mu wkuwać "Pieśni" na blachę. Ale z drugiej strony gdy te wydarzenia przedstawiane są w obecności Enei, bohaterka wielokrotnie podkreśla, że Silenus wielu rzeczy "nie wiedział" albo "nie zrozumiał", że musiał tak naprawdę sporo tam sam wymyślić z tego powodu. W efekcie mamy sytuację, na przykład że Chyżwar/Dzierzba z narzędzia stworzonego przez Najwyższy Intelekt sprokurowany przez Sztuczne Inteligencje, stał się nagle tworem "Kostuch" czyli jednej z "frakcji" w łonie Technocentrum. Albo, że Fehdmann Kassad nagle znajduje się wśród intruzów razem z Rachelą Weintraub, a to co przydarzyło mu się w poprzednich tomach jest tylko jedną z możliwych wersji przyszłości.

Wniosek: Simmons chciał przepisać tak naprawdę "Hyperiona" i "Upadek Hyperiona" ale postanowił to zrobić "na miękko" dopisując dwa dodatkowe tomy.

#przemyslenieliterackie #fantheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Glenn Sanders · @itsfullofstars
133 followers · 92 posts · Server

Star Wars fan? Indiana Jones fan? Here's a piece I wrote that definitively connects the two universes... with a deep dive into some real-world history as well!

#history #sciencefiction #film #fantheory #movies #indianajones #starwars

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
585 followers · 3863 posts · Server

In Star Wars, the existence of a "Supreme Chancellor" that's often only referred to as "Chancellor" suggests to me that the Republic at some point in the distant past had multiple not-so-supreme chancellorships, with only the supreme one having survived into the prequel era.

#starwars #SciFi #spaceopera #sciencefiction #fantheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Diabeł · @diabellus
147 followers · 396 posts · Server

Dwa dni temu podczas puściło krótki filmik, z zaszyfrowaną wiadomością. Dało to oczywiście całą masę do rozmów o teoriach fanów. Oczywiście, nic wielkiego, ale ma on pewne implikacje w tym, która wersja zakończenia będzie kanoniczna.

Sporo ludzi rzuciło się do konkluzji, że kanoniczne jest zakończenie zniszczenia (aka kolor czerwony). Ma to implikować brak Żniwiaża na ekranie. Jest z tym jednak jeden problem — na ścieżce audio Liara rozmawia z Gethem. Jak wszyscy wiedzą, kolor czerwony miał zniszczyć wszystkie syntetyki w galaktyce. Taki sam los spotka EDI, Gethów, jak i Żniwiarzy. To więc raczej odpada.

Według mnie kanonicznym zakończeniem będzie zielone — synteza między maszynami a organikami. Wniosek wyciągam z tego, że Liara rozmawia z Gethem bez użycia żadnego translatora, a Geth wydaje swoje charakterystyczne pierdnięcia.

Oczywiście jest szansa, że twórcy nowej części mają w dupie wydarzenia trylogii i kanoniczność wydarzeń. Wtedy czeka nas kolejna Andromeda. ;)

#teoriefanow #masseffect #fantheory #n7day #bioware

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

TBH Leia had more chemistry with Luke than Han. Imagine the Force power two children of the Chosen One might pass on; arguably, as with "divine" Egyptian royal siblings, they are the only suitable mates for each other. 😮 But for obvious reasons George Lucas never went there. 🙃

#starwars #thoughts #fantheory #film #cinema #spaceopera

Last updated 3 years ago