MXenes Make Faraday Cages You Can Turn On And Off #HackadayColumns #faradayshield #faradaycage #Science #faraday #mxene
#HackadayColumns #faradayshield #faradaycage #Science #faraday #mxene
MXenes Make Faraday Cages You Can Turn On And Off - Shielding is crucial for all manner of electronic devices. Whether you want to kee... - #hackadaycolumns #faradayshield #faradaycage #science #faraday #mxene
#mxene #faraday #science #faradaycage #faradayshield #hackadaycolumns
Oh, well I should also store a fair #laptop, some #network gear and #photovoltaic cells into a strong #faradaycage in case of a #EMP attack.😅
#emp #faradaycage #photovoltaic #network #laptop
Residency on the new Encagement project in to test different materials to block cell phone communications. Ongoing research to build "radio safe zone" without calls, notifications or possibilities to be spied on.
@CSB the gulf between money and value has never been this large and looming upon the hives reflective consciousness
I'm doing this so that when the singularity arises, and it will, I can man the helm of the mothership "motherfucker" and zing round this realm in a heart best picking up ANY GITMO SLAVE who wants to see the #KoK rise with their own two eyes.
May my heart be forever kept in our #OTGsquared #FaradayCage
#kok #OTGsquared #faradaycage #forevs