Está tó guapo el #FarCry4. Como el tres de guapo, pero más. Ya llevo cuatro horas de acción pura, jeje.
No sé si es ya por #pollavieja o qué. Pero he jugado algo más de una hora al #FarCry4 y estoy algo mareado.
@Catchy @fuchsiii depends on the platform.
IDK if the WiiU required a big SD card or could even demand one to load data from...
Games like #WatchDogs and #FarCry4 literally required a HDD to stream in assets on consoles like the #Xbox360 just so that the platform criteria of rock solid 60fps was always met - even if they had to pull every trick of the platform and dynamically scale render resolution from sometimes as low as 480p if not run 720p24 all the time and have the scaler chip work...
Kotaku: I Love 'The Worst' Video Game Ranking List Of All Time #gaming #tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
Mucha gente dice “Es otra vez #farcry3”, y me temo que no.
Por estructura de mapa y por argumento, este juego es una puesta al día de #FarCry4, que a su vez bebe de #FarCry2.
Temática guerra civil, terriorio disputado mediante tácticas de guerrilla, un bioma con mucho terreno irregular y verticalidad… Yara es una nueva versión de Kyrat.
Which part of Farcry do you like best?
Deliberately leave out the first 2 parts, because they have nostalgia value (farcry 1/2)
#farcry3 #farcry4 #farcry5 #farcry6 #farcry #gaming #game #videigame #videogames #pcgame #pcgames #xbox #xboxseriesx #XboxSeriesS #playstation4 #playstation5 #ps5 #ps4 #spiele #videospiele
#farcry3 #farcry4 #farcry5 #farcry6 #farcry #gaming #game #videigame #videogames #pcgame #pcgames #xbox #xboxseriesx #XboxSeriesS #playstation4 #playstation5 #ps5 #ps4 #spiele #videospiele
Gaming on a low-end PC (gaming with integrated graphics) might be a humbling experience, but to be honest, its making me fed up. Far Cry 4 runs below 30 fps outdoors so I ended up just deleting it rather than make myself nauseous every time I play it. #gaming #farcry #farcry4 #lowendgaming
#lowendgaming #farcry4 #farcry #gaming
Gaming on a low-end PC (gaming with integrated graphics) might be a humbling experience, but to be honest, I'm now fed up with it. Far Cry 4 runs below 30 fps outdoors so I ended up just deleting it rather than make myself nauseous every time I play it. #gaming #farcry #farcry4 #lowendgaming
#lowendgaming #farcry4 #farcry #gaming
I'm speedrunning through both #FarCry3 and #FarCry4, having an absolute blast. I really like these survival games. And say what you want about Ubisoft, but they do have great studios to work with, creating great #videogames and providing fantastic stories.
Deadbolt's Loli-pops [VHS Box Cover]
These are the individual images contained within the cover
#sfm #sourcefilmmaker #nsfw #loli #lolicon #rule34 #r34 #3dcg #bhadra #farcry4
#sfm #sourcefilmmaker #nsfw #loli #lolicon #rule34 #r34 #3dcg #bhadra #farcry4
Deadbolt's Loli-pops [VHS Box Cover]
Was inspired by similar artwork in a VHS box cover style. Images within the box cover are posted in replies below.
[Box Cover]:
#sarah #sarahmiller #ellie #thelastofus #lastofus #sfm #sourcefilmmaker #nsfw #loli #lolicon #alice #detroitbecomehuman #eveline #ResidentEvil7 #bhadra #farcry4 #ciri #witcher3 #rule34 #r34 #3dcg
#sarah #SarahMiller #ellie #thelastofus #lastofus #sfm #sourcefilmmaker #nsfw #loli #lolicon #alice #detroitbecomehuman #Eveline #residentevil7 #bhadra #farcry4 #ciri #witcher3 #rule34 #r34 #3dcg