Free #SEPTA for city workers starts September 1. We're going to find out how many more people ride when it's #FareFree #FreeTransit
This is. So. Cool. #WashingtonDC is making public buses #FareFree forever. #FareFreeTransit
#WashingtonDC #farefree #farefreetransit
This evening, the Blacksburg Town Council approved Ordinance 2000, which repeals bus fares at Blacksburg Transit. In 2020, we suspended bus fares as a public health measure, but now we have permanently removed them to increase ridership and ensure equitable transit access.
#blacksburg #nrv #transit #publictransportation #farefree
Kansas City went fare-free for COVID, and it worked so well they're thinking of making it permanent. Too much $$ to maintain fare boxes and ticket machines, no waiting for people to fumble for change... lots of benefits. #transit #farefree
The Town of Blacksburg plans to make bus fares a thing of the past.
“Increased ridership directly supports town council’s strategic goal for transportation to ‘move people, not cars,’ as well as provides the opportunity for increased state and federal funding; as ridership is a large metric used in these funding formulas.”
#Blacksburg #NRV #transit #publictransportation #farefree #busfares
#blacksburg #nrv #transit #publictransportation #farefree #busfares