💥 New report published!
In the US, more than 60% of the 400 urban #PublicTransit agencies suspended #fares at one moment or the other during the #COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from only 11 cases of full fare-free public transport before 2020, this is quite the transformation.
📘 How and why did this happen? Well, our team wrote a whole report on that!
➡️ Check the thread or the whole report: https://freepublictransport.net/lift-publishes-report-on-fare-free-transit-in-the-us/
#FareFreePublicTransport #PublicTransport #Mobility #US @geography
#publictransit #fares #covid #farefreepublictransport #publictransport #mobility #us
If you're attending #EUGEO this week, make sure to have a look at our session on "Lowering and abolishing fares: a step towards mobility of the future?" on Thurdsday!
We'll be hearing about experiences of fare-free public transport and low fares PT in Germany, France, England and Portugal.
The session is chaired by @wojciechkeblowski and #MonikaMaciejewska
https://freepublictransport.net/lift-session-eugeo-2023-lowering-abolishing-fares/ #EUGEO2023 #PublicTransport #FareFreePublicTransport #Mobility @geography
#eugeo #eugeo2023 #publictransport #farefreepublictransport #mobility #monikamaciejewska