100 °F ou la température d'un homme bien portant.
Bon. Y'a que les USA (en gros) qui utilisent ce truc 😂🇺🇸
The argument for Fahrenheit: I like big funny number
@strum @th I have filled out forms day/month/year because I am the same page as those who understand metric. However, yes, the U.S.A. is so indoctrinated to believe in silly antiquated religious practices it’s amazing that in any context we ever use intelligent date ordering (Federal documents), celsius (academia and medicine), or metric (scientific instruments). For a time, it seemed like we were chipping away the old imperial ways but now… #Merica #Date #Metric #Farenheit
#farenheit #metric #date #merica
@revk I'd have thought the best way would be to start a religion.
Or to set some standard or other that seems like a good idea at the time, and becomes widely adopted but is inevitably annoying for unforeseen reasons. #Farenheit
A #Farenheit su Radio3 ora una discussione con Bianca #Pitzorno su i libri per #ragazzi e il #piacere della lettura.
Non è compito della scuola insegnare il piacere di leggere, non può; certo se in famiglia non vedono nessun adulto che si gode il gesto di leggere, la scuola surroga. No al "canone" dei libri per i ragazzi. No ai libri usati per scopi altri ("quanti romanzi su Falcone e Borsellino, che poveretti non se li meritavano!").
Da riascoltare su #RaiPlaySound
#libri #scuola #lettura
#farenheit #pitzorno #ragazzi #piacere #RaiPlaySound #libri #scuola #lettura
Ha mort #AngeloBadalamenti, un dels grans compositors dels últims temps.
Fou creador de la majoria de bandes sonores del #cinema oníric de David Lynch, i també de la del genial #videojoc de #QuanticDream #Farenheit #IndigoProphecy.
#angelobadalamenti #cinema #videojoc #quanticdream #farenheit #IndigoProphecy #ripangelobadalamenti
Wow, the Fahrenheit vs Celsius toot is getting a lot of interaction/discussion. I like it!
This is why the Fediverse is so cool!
You will never see this kind of discussion on a place like Facebook or Twitter. The Algo would simply kill the toot. #celsius #farenheit #SI #units #temperature
#celsius #farenheit #si #units #temperature
When is enough, enough? From eating crickets to reducing water usage, they would now have us freezing to death or passing out from heat exhaustion.
"Despite the brazenly authoritarian restrictions, Economy Minister Guy Parmelin asserted, “We are not a police state,” although he acknowledged police would perform “spot checks” to try to catch violators."
#energy #crisis #swiss #prison #violate #heating #rules #thermostat #temperature #ac #celsius #farenheit
#farenheit #Celsius #ac #temperature #thermostat #rules #heating #violate #prison #swiss #crisis #energy
Farenheit 451 in Ucraina: i libri di Dostoevskij e Puskin finiscono al rogo – Visione TV #farenheit #ucraina #libri #dostoevskij #puskin #finiscono #rogo #visione #20giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly92aXNpb25ldHYuaXQvZmFyZW5oZWl0LTQ1MS1pbi11Y3JhaW5hLWktbGlicmktZGktZG9zdG9ldnNraWotZS1wdXNraW4tZmluaXNjb25vLWFsLXJvZ28v
#20giugno #visione #rogo #finiscono #puskin #Dostoevskij #libri #ucraina #farenheit