Eight Years Ago Tonight
Fare Thee Well
2015-06-27 Levi’s Stadium
Santa Clara, California
#GratefulDead #FareTheeWell #TIGDH #LiveMusic
#gratefuldead #faretheewell #tigdh #livemusic
I’ll miss Stephen Nogosek looking exactly like Jack Pearson from This is Us. #Mets #FareTheeWell
One of the things I like least about driving is realising the roadworks traffic lights aren’t working.
When you’re first with a wee crew of cars behind you. You’ve watched cars from the other routes come past a couple of rounds and you realise you’re going to have to lead the troops on a charge to the mythical end of the cones.
#Driving #FareTheeWell #Roadworks
#roadworks #faretheewell #driving