Literarischer #26März
„Ich blickte den Revolver an, und der Revolver blickte mich an.“
#RaymondChandler #FarewellMyLovely Tod 1959
#26marz #raymondchandler #farewellmylovely
oh my goodness, Robert Mitchum was way too old in the late 70's to play Philip Marlowe. #TCMParty #NoirAlley #FarewellMyLovely
#tcmparty #noiralley #farewellmylovely
This evening's viewing: the 1975 adaptation of Raymond Channdler's Farewell My Lovely, with Robert Mitchum as Marlowe, and also starring Charlotte Rampling.
#film #FilmNoir #FarewellMyLovely #ClassicFilm #RobertMitchum #CharlotteRampling #movie #PhilipMarlowe #gumshoe #RaymondChandler
#raymondchandler #gumshoe #philipmarlowe #movie #charlotterampling #robertmitchum #classicfilm #farewellmylovely #filmnoir #film